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“You think I caused this upset?” Sara snapped. She wasn’t usually confrontational, but being on edge with everything going on made her a touch more sensitive than usual.

“No, that’s not at all what I’m saying. Just relax. Xavier has this handled, and you’re safe.” Annie stayed calm and smiling as she pulled two essential oil bottles from her bag.

“This is a calming lavender scent. It will help you either relax or sleep, depending on your preference. It is also a clarity formula, so it should help ease the tension and thoughts webbing their way through your preoccupied mind.”

Sara forced a smile and thanked her as she took the bottles. “I appreciate it.”

Annie patted her leg and walked to the door. “Ring if you need anything, dear. I’ll be on call for you until things get cleared up.”

When she left, Sara let out a loud breath and threw her head back in frustration against the pillow.

Sara felt the rage roll over and over inside her as thoughts kept replaying the scene of the trunk being opened. She wanted to kill them at that moment but had also never felt weaker.

Angry tears started to build.

She uncorked one of the vials of oils and took a deep breath in.

It smelled wonderful, but she was still too pissed for it to have any effect on her.

Her head whipped to the door as it creaked open.


She bolted up. “Xavier! What’s going on? Did you figure out who did this? What are we going to do?”

He came over and sat beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder. He offered a smile before kissing her forehead. “I like your spirit. You really are an alpha’s mate. First things first, though. What did Annie say?”

Sara rolled her eyes and showed him the vials. “That the baby and I are fine, but I need to relax and chill. These should help me do that. Eventually, I guess.”

“Good. She’s not wrong. But I’m happy to hear that you both are doing well.” He bent over, kissed her stomach, and then rose to kiss her lips. He stared at her intensely.

Sara sensed the fear inside of him from almost losing her. Then anger flashed through the green, and it almost made her smile. He was, of course, as pissed as she was. She almost imagined she could hear the wolf in him growling.

“So, what’s the plan?” she asked again.

“The enforcers and I are going to head out to track down the rogues. We think it’s a group Veronica’s old pack had tangled with a few times, so it’s our best lead. We need to find out why they did this, especially targeting you. None of it makes sense.”

“What can I do to help?”

“You can stay here and do just as Annie said. We don’t know their numbers, and I’m pretty sure we killed their alpha when we got you. I’ll come back safe and sound, but I can only do that if I know that you are safe and protected at home.”

Sara wanted to argue but knew better. Instead, she clenched her hands, bit her lip, and nodded in agreement.

He smiled as he cupped her face in his hand. “I love you. I love that you want to get who did this, but I promise I will take care of it and you. I will come back safely with answers, and there will be justice. It must be made clear that no one fucks with my family.” The sincerity in his green eyes spoke louder than his words.

A shiver ran down Sara’s spine.


He kissed her lips again, a long, gentle kiss. He pulled away and stood before her. “I will always protect you. I love you, Sara.”

“I love you too. Stay safe … but be vicious.”

He chuckled as he walked to the door. “Always.” And then he was gone.

Sara didn’t have time to wallow and figure out a way to be of use before her door opened again.

“Knock, knock.” Veronica smiled hesitantly as she peeked around the door.
