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Veronica slid open the drapes that had blocked the door and walked out to take her position.

Sara heard the music play from one of the speakers. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“You’ve got this,” she told herself as she attempted to control her heartbeat.

She saw Veronica reach the arch. It was her turn.

Sara gripped her bouquet a little tighter and stepped out into the fresh evening air.

The guests stood as she descended from the few steps and headed toward her mate.

She thought keeping her eyes set on Xavier would help her, but it almost made it worse.

Veronica had been right.

His eyes were starting to mist, and his smile was one of pure joy.

It made Sara even more emotional than she had been already. Now this, plus the pregnancy hormones, almost made her vision blur with tears as she tried to calmly make her way to her spot.

She didn’t know approaching her future would affect her this much.

He was the love of her life, and she was his. They had a baby on the way, and all of their friends and family were here to witness their life-long bond.

She finally approached the archway, and Xavier reached out for her hand, pulling her toward him.

“You are absolutely stunning,” he whispered as she handed her bouquet off to Veronica.

She looked into his green teary eyes and saw such happiness. The emotion mirrored her own.

“And you look dashing,” she managed to say without choking up. Now all she had to get through was the vows, and she would be good to go.

The ceremony passed quickly. Sara actually had a hard time remembering anything that was said because she was so lost in her own thoughts and busy watching Xavier. They had kept mouthing things to each other in the hopes of keeping it light and stopping the other from losing it while they were up there.

All she knew for sure was that they had pledged their lives together, and it had been sealed with rings and a kiss.

Veronica whooped as everyone else clapped after their ceremonial kiss.

Sara laughed, the threat of joyful crying long gone. Xavier smiled and let out his own war call that matched his sister’s as he grabbed Sara’s hand and held it high in the air.

Shortly after, everyone gathered around the laid-out food and free champagne at the reception.

Sara had already eaten a plate and more when Veronica approached their table.

“Have you two had your fill?”

“Of food? Maybe,” Sara joked.

Xavier had one plate and was sitting back with his arm draped over his new wife.

“No, not food. Of the party.”

Husband and wife gave Veronica a curious look.

“What do you mean? It’s our party and house.”

“I know that,” Veronica said sarcastically. She leaned forward on their table and slid a key toward them.

“What’s this?” Sara asked.

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