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Xavier laughed. “Then we will just present him smelly,” he said. “I don’t think the pack will wait much longer.”

Outside, the pack was going wild. All they could hear were howls and singing and carousing. They were holding the ceremony at a nearby shifter hotel with huge grounds that they could run around on. A large marquee had been set up on the lawn for the band and the dancing later, and the great hall behind them was set for the feast.

Sara hooked her arm through his and smiled up at him, making his heart race with love for her. Together, they stepped outside and climbed the steps to the podium.

The noise from the pack was deafening. More than half the pack had already shifted and were in full cry. But little Aiden wasn’t upset by the noise. In fact, when Xavier glanced at him, he appeared to be smiling.

They stood at the top of the podium, waiting for the wolf pack to quiet. Finally, silence reigned, and all the wolves’ eyes were turned expectantly to their alpha and his mate.

Xavier carefully took his son from Sara’s arms. “My pack,” he called out. “I present to you my son and your future alpha, Aiden!” Once more, the assembled wolves erupted into howls and cheers.

With more pride in his heart than he ever thought possible, Xavier held Aiden above his head and let his own howl merge with that of his pack.

Into the silence that followed, the only sound was the rumble of Aiden filling his diaper. Everyone roared their appreciation, and with a laugh, he handed Aiden over to Sara.

“Oh, so he’s my son all of a sudden, is he?” she said, grinning and taking the happily smiling boy from his arms.

“Well, share and share alike,” he replied.

While Sara dealt with the messy diaper situation, Xavier took his opportunity to shift and run with the pack. Never before had he felt so alive. His wolf senses, which were always keen, seemed even sharper than normal. The earth beneath his feet was cool and damp, and his sensitive nose picked up the scent of every member of his pack.

He always preferred wolf form to human. The world was so much simpler to his wolf senses. The pulse of life was so much more vibrant.

He ran with his pack until hunger drove him back to the scent of the feast. There were two sides of beef roasting in a pit, and the grand table was covered with a smorgasbord of choices.

He found his mate sitting to one side. She had a group of women surrounding her, all happily passing the baby between them and commenting on how beautiful he was.

“Come,” he said, holding out his hand to her. “Leave the baby with Alison for a while.”

He led her back to the podium, where he called for order. “I want to thank everyone for coming today,” he called to them. “Sara and I are overjoyed to be hosting this happy celebration. We know you’re all hungry, but I want to take the opportunity to tell you that it is an honor to be your alpha and for Sara to be your matriarch.”

There was much cheering at his words. “I know we’ve had some challenges recently, and I want to thank you all for your support. You are a great pack, and together we are strong!”

Again his words were met by howls of approval.

“So now,” he called out to the expectant crowd, “let the feasting begin!”

There were even louder howls and clapping at his final announcement, and the assembled pack filed into the great hall to eat.

He sat at the head of the long table with Sara and the now clean and peacefully sleeping Aiden and watched his pack.

“I think this has to be one of the best days of my life,” Sara said beside him. “You have made me an incredibly happy woman.”

He leaned over and kissed her. “I couldn’t be happier either,” he replied.
