Page 25 of Alpha's Touch

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I lay beside him in the warm, messy bed and pulled him close. I think I dozed a little, and he was dreaming, judging by the little sounds he made. His ass was snug against me and stuffed with my cock. I wanted to keep it that way forever. Finally, after almost two hours his thrusting slowed, and I could feel a softening in my gland. After another thirty minutes, I was able to slip free.

I turned Darcy over on his side, pushing down his still reaching arms, and spooning him. Once he stopped moaning and trying to turn back over to get to me, he finally let the exhaustion overtake him. I’d thought I was almost too tired to sleep, the ordeal of the past few days still keying me up with adrenalin, but eventually, the soft snores of my omega and the comfort of his warm body in my arms relaxed me, and I drifted down into dreams. I don’t know how long I slept, but I came instantly awake as Darcy groaned and turned toward me.

“Is it over yet?” he asked softly. “Are we done? How can I still be so hard and aroused? I’m so tired.” His eyes looked alarmed, so I kissed his lips and took his sweet cock in my hand, pumping it a few times to give him release, while I kissed his neck soothingly. Darcy came in seconds, with only a trickle of semen coming from him. Once he spent, he turned in my arms and buried his face in my throat. He held on as tightly as he could, while I held him close and rubbed his back.

Over the next few hours, I fucked him again and again, whenever he wanted. When he woke up, the first thing he did was reach for me. Darcy was curled up on his side next to me, one of his legs slung over mine. I rolled him onto his back on the bed and eased out from under him. I got up to stretch and close the curtains over the windows. I pulled more of the bed curtains around the four-poster canopy bed to make a nice, safe nest for Darcy. Our beds were designed specifically for this purpose.

For the next several days, Darcy would be in full heat, and I had to make a safe nest for him so he could be comfortable, even when I wasn’t with him. I’d tell the servants to change the sheets and bring in more furs and blankets for the bed after he passed through the worst of this. He would sleep, but he’d only eat and drink by my hand, in the way of all omegas during their cycle. I’d have to bathe him and care for him too until it finally eased off, in a week’s time. It all sounded wonderful to me and soothed my Alpha soul, but I’d have to make new plans about this mission I was supposed to be doing for Harrison. I was afraid Asher and Brandon would have to leave and search for the viscountess without me, and I’d try to catch up with them later. The most important thing now was Darcy, and his care and comfort until his heat cycle was over.

It was a few days later that I rang for the servants and asked for clean sheets and bath water again, along with some food for both of us and fresh bed coverings. They brought it much more quickly than I thought they would, and Darcy slept in my arms in the small adjoining valet’s chamber while they remade the bed. Afterward, I took a long, hot bath with Darcy, and then helped him back to the freshened bed while I ate a huge steak and probably half a dozen eggs. It was all delicious.

Once I’d finished, though, I was exhausted and had to rest a short while before I called for more food. I managed to make him eat some scrambled eggs, a few bites of porridge and most of a full glass of milk. Then I soothed him and put him back in bed to rest. He was insatiable though and pulled me down on top of him. A few rounds of sex later, I managed to make it out of bed, got cleaned up and dressed again and went to find my cousins.

I found them downstairs, eating in the dining room and they started in on me right away.

“Good afternoon, Wyatt,” Asher said, holding up his glass in a toast. “Or is it evening yet? And congratulations are in order, I think, if all the noise coming out of your room is any measure of your success with that stubborn little omega of yours.”

I fell down in a chair and grinned at him. “It is, thank you. And now I’m exhausted.”

Brandon laughed. “How is Private Vandercliff?”

“He’s fine. And he’s neither a private nor a Vandercliff anymore.”

In our society, we took our father’s last name at birth. Alphas kept that name for the rest of their lives. Betas were free to keep their father’s surname or take their spouse’s name. But omegas always took the name of their Alpha. He would use my surname from this point on.

“I’ll go talk to Harrison about the situation as soon as I can. But first, he has to come out of this heat, and that’ll take about a week. I’m afraid I’m going to miss the start of your investigation for Harrison. I can’t leave Darcy, but I can catch up with you, when this is over. I hate to let our cousin down.”

“Harrison will understand,” Asher said. “And so do we. If we need to, we can send for you. In the meantime, enjoy your omega. And get back upstairs and get some rest. You look worn out.”

“I think I will. Thanks for understanding—I tried to wait until we got back from our mission, but… I couldn’t.”

“Understood. We’ve already sent a message to Harrison, and we told him about the delay and that Brandon and I will be leaving in the morning at first light. We’ll be heading directly to this baron’s castle to see what he has to say for himself. We’re only taking a small guard with us, so we can move faster, though at this point, there may not be that much urgency. Viscountess Camilla has been missing for a long time now.”

“I know. You need to be careful and not let your guard down. That incident on the road, where the survivors of the mudslide said the mud parted and flowed around the dark figure looking over the cliff edge at them—that sounds like dark magic.”

“I’m not without some skill in magic myself,” Asher said. It was true. He and our pack brother Lex both had strong powers, though not of the dark variety. I felt some uneasiness thinking about what could happen if they offended this baron they were going to see, and I wondered if he was indeed a powerful witch.

“Just be careful. And let me hear from you, so I’ll know if you’re all right. This man could be responsible for many deaths if what Harrison suspects about him is true.”

Brandon smiled and toasted me with his wine. “Don’t worry about us, Wyatt. We can take care of ourselves.”

I knew that was true, but even as I returned his smile, I wondered why the phrase, “famous last words” kept repeating in my head. I didn’t say it, of course, but I didn’t have to. The words seemed to ring in the air around me, as a cold chill swept over my body.

Chapter Eight


The next few days after my knotting passed by in a daze of lust and heat. He was with me often, taking care of me, and making sure I was all right. I’d heard about knotting and my aunt had talked about it a little, though as a beta, married to another beta, she only knew what she’d heard, and what my mother had told her.

It hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. Because Wyatt stayed with me often and made love to me over and over, whenever I asked, the agonizing cravings and longing to be filled never materialized, and I found great pleasure in everything we did together. I was sore, but he soothed that with frequent hot baths. Even the incessant need for my Alpha was manageable, because before it could get too bad, Wyatt seemed to know, and he was right there to take care of me. The only “down” side to it all was that I felt so dependent on him.

That and the fact that he called me “baby” a lot of the time, which I hated. Now that several days had passed, and I was clearer in my thinking, I was going to bring that up and tell him how I felt about it. The trouble wasn’t that he didn’t listen to me. He’d lean against the bedpost and watch me with those smoldering dark eyes, the scruff on his cheeks and chin because he hadn’t had time to shave properly making him devastatingly handsome and sexy in those moments. Sometimes, he’d fold his muscular arms over his broad chest and stare at me, nodding occasionally to make me think he was listening. I thought it was mostly done to pacify me and make me think he’d heard me and was considering my concerns. Then he’d go right ahead and do whatever he wanted to do in the first place.

Of course, I didn’t think about any of that during those first delirious days—those thoughts only came later, when I was getting tired of Wyatt’s room and this haze of lust and lovemaking. As my mind cleared of it, I began to grow restless and bored. Then, on about the tenth day after arriving at the lodge, I woke up one morning feeling wonderful. I stretched, sat up in bed and pulled the dark curtains apart to let a little sunlight spill in my little nest of blankets.

Immediately, Wyatt got up from a desk he was using in the corner of the room and took a quick step toward me. When I smiled up at him with my eyes clear, he slowed down and walked over to sit down beside me on the bed. I leaned against him. For some reason, I needed to be touching him all the time, it seemed. Maybe he felt the same way, because he put his arm around me and pulled me close, dropping a kiss on top of my head.

“You look like you feel better today,” he said.
