Page 74 of Professorhole

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A thud and an oomph.

“Fuck you,” he spat breathlessly, but the commotion settled.

I risked a glance over my shoulder.

Ry was face first on the concrete in the same position as Flynn. His hands were cuffed behind his back, two officers’ guns now trained on him.

“Get them into the cars,” the same woman who’d yelled at Ezra called out. “Any resistance from this one”—she pointed at Ryder—“and you’re authorized to use necessary force to restrain him again.” She turned her attention to me and added, “She’s with me. Fraser, make sure there are three interview rooms set up.”

“Yes, inspector.” He squeezed my side before escorting me to a black SUV.

He didn’t meet my gaze when he buckled me in. I opened my mouth to speak, but he shook his head, silencing me.

He slammed the door closed, sealing me in a bubble of silence. They then loaded Flynn into the sedan parked next to the car I was in. I willed him to look at me, begged him to turn and face me. But he never once looked up. Never once looked over.

Through the window, Ry’s glare cut like glass. His narrowed eyes bored into mine, his lips pulled back in a snarl. Anger radiated off him in waves as two officers practically dragged him to the final SUV.

Message received loud and clear. From both of them.

I clenched my jaw, shook my head, and blew out a breath. If that was how they wanted it, fine. They could walk away. They could shut me out and hate me for all I cared. I’d be fine.

Just fuckin’ dandy.

The passenger door opened, and the inspector slipped in while her colleague moved around the front to get into the driver’s side. “You’re in deep shit, missy.”

I laughed, the sound as cold as my dead soul.Bitch, that’s what you think. I’m fucking Queen.
