Page 12 of Moon Kissed

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‘Where should we start?’I silently asked her as I weaved my way through the aisles of bookshelves.

‘The best place would be with the Moon Spirit, I think.’

The old lady had mentioned the Moon Spirit, who was the deity that had created our wolf-shifter race. There was lots of information about the spirit but only theories on gender. Some viewed the spirit as a woman because of her love for wolves while others viewed the spirit’s stubbornness as male. I guessed we’d never know.

I made my way to the Aruna section on the Moon Spirit. Each pack had their own history, and while the events were similar, the written accounts were always different.

I reached the section and breathed out a contented sigh. I wasn’t sure what it was about books, but they soothed the soul and calmed an anxious spirit. It was hard to worry about things when surrounded by tomes of days long past.

I scanned the shelves absently before deciding to grab a book at random so I could start somewhere.

An old-bluish-colored spine caught my eye. The font had once been gold but had flaked away over time. I pulled it from the shelf, gasping when I saw the gorgeous artwork on the cover. A moon shone from the top, and the moonbeams descended to make out the title. I ran my thumb over the words, feeling a sense of peace enter my mind as I read it. OurPurpose: Understanding Our Origins as it Pertains to the Moon Spirit.

Looks like some light reading is in my future.

“Excuse me,” a male voice asked from behind me.

I whipped around, heart hammering in my chest, expecting to see the last person I wanted to confront.

Green-gray eyes met mine, and I fought a gasp when my left arm started to tingle.

Chapter Six


Walking through the main entrance to the archives had been a bad idea. The place was abuzz with preparations for the Gala that was coming up in a few weeks.

The Gala was hosted by a different pack every year. A rotating schedule made sure that the event wouldn’t be hosted by the same pack year after year, and it gave each group a chance to show off.

There are six packs in total; Aruna, Aibek, Daywa, Sanda, Orche, and Veda. This year was Aruna’s turn, and I was looking forward to what they had in store for the festivities.

Aruna wolves rushed around the main floor, measuring things, while others looked at fabric and color swatches. Invitations hadn’t been sent out yet, but the rumor was that this year’s theme was a masquerade.

I was sure most female wolves would find the theme romantic. Imagine having a one-night tryst, never knowing who the other person was. As a dominant wolf, hidden faces made me uncomfortable. If I was attacked, I would want to see more than just eyes.

‘There’s scent,’my wolf pointed out, eavesdropping on my thoughts.

‘True,’I agreed, my thoughts turning to the unique ability that was described in the journal.

Scent changed with emotion, so someone happy would smell different than someone who was sad. The changes were subtle, but wolves were extra sensitive to them. There was an ability to make a scent disappear from an area or the power to change an individuals.

According to the journal, it was possible, but only for those who were extraordinarily powerful. My wolf assured me that we would one day have that ability. Today wasn’t that day, which was a relief but also frustrating. I could feel our potential sometimes so close that it seemed like all I needed to do was reach out and grab it. Make it ours.

Easier said than done.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t ready but more that there was something preventing me from fully grasping it. My wolf thought that my inner turmoil and guilt regarding Pearl was to blame. Hell, maybe it was. Or I was never meant to have it in the first place and sensing it was some kind of sick joke.

The ding of the elevator shook me from my thoughts. I strolled into the lift, hitting the button for the third floor, where the archives were kept. I needed to figure out who the woman was and what exactly an Alpha Seeker was. Once I knew that, I would be able to guess what Pearl had to do with it all and hopefully prevent it.

Another ding announced that I’d arrived at my floor. I moved through the doors then turned left, heading for the Aruna Pack’s section. From the journal I’d read, it mentioned that the first Alpha Seeker had been born into Aruna, so hopefully their archive would have the information I needed.

The packs mostly kept to their own pack archives but since I was beta I was allowed to go into other archives to an extent. Basic information was available to me but to dig deeper I’d need the pack alpha’s permission which was difficult. The wolves who worked here had no such issue so I’d definitely need to make a friend.

It was a starting point, which was something. More than what Ledger had, but I couldn’t underestimate him. He was resourceful and far brighter than many gave him credit for. If he wasn’t such a douche, I’d consider him a strong alpha. There was just something that didn’t sit right with me though.

When my uncle seized power from the previous alpha, I’d been completely on board and supported him. My support didn’t mean much since I was an orphan; my uncle was my mother’s brother, and since he took me in, I felt I owed him.

My parents’ death and his adoption of me wasn’t my choice. I learned after the fact that I didn’t owe my uncle or his family anything, though if I rebelled too much, they would hold it over my head. I was grateful for what they did, but I didn’t owe them anything.

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