Page 13 of Moon Kissed

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The Aruna Pack section was at the end of the hallway. There was no one loitering or manning the desks, so I just walked in.

I looked around, wondering where I should start, when I heard the faint sound of voices. Thinking it was an employee, I headed in that direction, hoping to ask where to begin my search.

The voices were quiet, so it took me a minute to pinpoint the exact location since the archives tend to echo. I stroll to the back section, stopping at an aisle labeled Moon Spirit. I want to slap my forehead because it was the obvious place to start.

“Do you know where I can find information on the cage or not?” a gruff voice asked, obviously annoyed.

“Like I said, not in the Aruna section. You’ll need to go to the main desk and ask since I don’t know off the top of my head,” a female retorted, and I recognized her as Pearl.

My whole body stiffened when I realized who was speaking. I’d recognize her voice anywhere, even angry. Couldn’t blame her for that though.

I thought about interrupting them but decided to just listen, and if I needed to I would. Though I knew Pearl could handle herself.

“What’s with the get up?” Ledger asked suspiciously.

“Bad hair day,” Pearl deadpanned, and I had to suppress a snicker. When it came to sarcastic banter, Pearl was the queen.

“There’s something different about you,” Ledger commented, and I could just imagine his green eyes narrowing. My hands formed into fists at his tone. If she was mated, he wouldn’t dare talk to her in such a demeaning way. “Is it because Rylan is back?”

The question caught me and Pearl off guard. Her heart sped up at the mention of my name. I didn’t consider it a win since her heart rate could easily be from anger. My pulse picked up in tempo, like it was trying to match hers. Which was yet another sign that there was more between us.

“Oh, he’s back? I’d been hoping he’d be gone longer,” she replied flippantly. The sting in her voice made me flinch. I no doubt deserved it, but it still hurt.

“Why? You guys were inseparable when you were younger,” Ledger said, obviously taunting her, which just made my anger jump up a notch.

“Yes, we were,” she retorted, seeming to know he was trying to bait her.

“Okay, I’m going to head to the front desk. Thanks for being unhelpful.”

I gritted my teeth, hating the way he was talking to her.

“Did you just come to seek me out?” It was a valid question. Ledger had to pass the main desk in order to get into this section. Maybe it had been unmanned like it was for me, but still.

“Paranoid much,” Ledger shot back, and I had to hold in a snort. If anyone was paranoid it was him.

“Takes one to know one,” Pearl replied tersely.

I bit my cheek to keep from smiling. She sure knew how to hit the alpha-apparent where it would sting.

“A word of advice, Pearl. Watch your mouth. You don’t want to piss off those above you,” Ledger warned.

It was a barely veiled threat that nonetheless made my blood boil. Before I could consciously make the decision, I was rounding the corner and glowering at both of them.

“Am I interrupting something?” My voice was cool and even, but on the inside, I was livid. Pearl might not be mine yet, but I wouldn’t stand by and let someone threaten her.

“Ahhh, Rylan. Just in time,” Ledger greeted, and alarm bells went off in my head. I needed to tread carefully. There was no way Ledger knew who Pearl was to me. He was likely guessing though, and my reaction would confirm his suspicions. I couldn’t allow that.

“For what? We should save library trysts for the Gala, don’t you think?”

Ledger frowned at me while Pearl watched me closely. Her face showed surprise while her body stiffened at our proximity. I tried not to read too much into it, but a part of me wanted to howl in triumph because she was affected by me. She had no idea what her presence did to me or my wolf. I needed to be careful.

“Right you are.” Ledger chuckled, backtracking when he realized he wouldn’t get the response he was looking for from me. “Careful, she’s feisty today.”

With that parting comment, Ledger tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled away.

Pearl still faced me, chest heaving with her angry breaths that only elevated her attractiveness. Could Ledger be interested in her too? The thought made me want to punch something.

I waited for Ledger’s footsteps to fade entirely before I dared to speak. I opened my mouth, intending to say a greeting, but her next motion stopped the words in my throat. She grabbed her left arm and squeezed it with her right hand. Odd.
