Page 16 of Moon Kissed

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The old woman’s words echoed in my thoughts, making my stomach clench. Could my mate really unite the packs? Could he really stop the corruption?

“Pearl,” a voice hissed, jolting me from my thoughts.

“Arden?” I hurried toward her, confused as to why she’d be in a research room.

When I was close enough, she grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the room. The door snapped shut, then she was pulling me further into the room.

“Arden, what—”

“Shhh,” she interrupted, leading me toward the back corner.

“What the hell?”

“Your alpha-apparent found me and asked for information on the cage.” Here eyes wide with concern.

“Yeah, he found me first and asked,” I told her, frowning at the expression on her face.

“That’s not all,” she said, voice barely above a whisper. “He also wanted to see everything on the Alpha Seeker.”

My heart clenched in my chest. Rylan had been looking for the same information. It was weird that they would both be looking into the same thing.

“I looked it up, and the cage blueprints are in the restricted section,” she continued watching my face closely as she spoke. I nodded; it made sense why they’d keep the plans locked away. “The Alpha Seeker info is in the restricted section too.”

Shit. That meant finding what I needed just got harder. The restricted section could only be accessed with permission. Permission for anyone not in the upper echelon was going to be extremely difficult.

“Ledger will get permission easily, but I’m not sure howwewill,” she added, biting her lip as we both contemplated the situation.

I had no clue how we would gain access to it. After my interaction with Ledger and Rylan, I don’t think either of them would be up to helping me.

A thought struck me as my lips pulled into a grim smile. Rylan wanted to rekindle our friendship. Maybe that was the way to gain access. Letting me into the restricted section would put us on the right track for forgiveness. At least, that was what I would tell him.

I’d use him for what I needed. He’d done the same thing to me, so it was like poetic justice.

I’d just be returning the favor.

Chapter Eight


Watching Pearl walk away the second time was hard, but not as hard as the first one. I couldn’t handle letting her walk away, and neither could my wolf.

‘That went well,’he said, hope in his voice.

It went well. At least it was a step in the right direction. She was possibly willing to hear me out, which was better than I had hoped.

Remembering her reaction and her scent when I’d drawn closer, I knew that she was affected by me.

The way she’d acted earlier with her arm concerned me. Was she hurt? If she was, it must have been recent since our healing was much faster than humans.

The thought of anyone hurting her was enough to make me see red, but I hadn’t smelled any blood. She’d been able to hold her own against my cousin, which wasn’t easy. He wasn’t super dominant but he could use what little he had to great effect.

The way she dressed was suspicious, but maybe she really was having a bad hair day. I shook my head, hating that I was being paranoid about her behavior. We’d been separated for years. I had no right to judge her actions or her attire.

A grin pulled at my lips as I made my way back to the section I’d been in. Pearl was still a spitfire and stubborn. I was glad to see that the years apart hadn’t dampened her spirit, though I could tell she was more cautious now.

Guilt gnawed at me anew, but I pushed it aside. It may have been my fault, but I was hopefully on the way to fixing that.

I returned my attention to what I was looking for, wondering again where I should start. My fingers skated over the decorative spines, reading the authors’ names.

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