Page 17 of Moon Kissed

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My fingers stopped while my eyes backtracked to a spine I’d already touched. The author’s first name gave me pause. Fae. The name struck a chord in my head, and I followed the tune until I remembered the alpha’s mate in the journal had been Faelynn. She was the first Alpha Seeker, and her female descendants continued in the role.

That was where I needed to start.

Why hadn’t I thought of that before?

Past alphas and their mates should have been easy enough to find, and from there I was sure I’d find Faela the old woman who escaped the cage.

I left the section I was in with a new purpose. The genealogy of the packs was closely monitored by each pack’s historian. According to the journal, his mate had been from Aruna, which was ironic since I was already in their section.

The shelf ends had the aisle subjects displayed. I walked up and down, until I found the one that held the alpha families.

In the early days, the title of alpha was interchanged as the packs struggled to find leadership that was strong enough to handle everyone. Most were short reigns, but in them, changes were made that were ignored by the next alpha.

It was confusing, but we kept really great records on titles. Eventually, a dominant wolf took control and kept it. His descendants became the Aruna pack. The other packs had similar stories.

Knowing this, I skipped over the first several decades, until the pack was established. Each pack was centuries in the making and had been around for even longer.

I found an early year at random and pulled the thin book from the shelf. Flipping to the end, I read the first couple lines then closed and replaced the book.

I need a later year.

The alpha’s journal I had didn’t have a date, but judging by the slang, I’d say it was within the last couple centuries.

I started five hundred years ago then worked my way forward. In the four-hundredth year I found a name that was familiar. Faeema. Two pages later, I found Faelynn, who was the granddaughter of Faeema. The names of the female wolves in this family continued in the tradition of having Fae in the name.

I turned my attention to Faelynn and found when she was mates with the alpha of the Aibek Pack. I flipped pages but found no other mention of her. I shut the book and returned it to the shelf.

The Aibek Pack section was down the hall and to the right. I entered then made my way to a similar area. I’d noted the year, so I went straight to the thin genealogical notebooks and grabbed the one I needed.

Faelynn mated with Raff, the alpha of the Aibek Pack, and together they had three children—two boys and a girl.

My breath caught when my eyes landed on the daughter’s name. Faela.

I found her.

I flipped the page, expecting to see my uncles name or her children’s names, but nothing was there.

I turned the page back and saw her name, but the next page… didn’t show anything.

My jaw flexed in frustration at the lack of information. I’d never seen a name just drop off. There was always a reason or a note, at least, but there was nothing.

This was getting aggravating. I put the book under my arm and made my way to the desk. Someone had to know why this record wasn’t complete.

A small girl with pigtails was manning the desk. She looked like a nine-year-old, who’d wandered into the archives. She was even chewing gum.

“Excuse me?” I greeted, leaning on the counter and placing the book in front of me.

“Hi,” she said, looking up at me with almond-shaped eyes that were a darker blue than I was expecting. “How can I help?”

“I was looking through the alpha family’s genealogy records and noticed something… odd.”

“Let me see.” She bounced out of her chair, lips smacking as she chewed her gum with her mouth open.

I flipped the book around and turned pages until I found the record.

“Right here,” I pointed to the bottom page, then turned the page. “Nothing else is written here; it just stops.”

Her eyes followed my fingers as she read incomplete record. Her eyes widened at the name, like she was surprised to see it.
