Page 30 of Moon Kissed

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The pool was still as I pushed through the branches. I hadn’t been back here since Faela had bestowed upon me this gift.

I grinned, looking at the spot where we’d sat and thinking about how spunky she was for being so old. For days after that incident, I was convinced it was a curse, but I knew more now. Though, I wasn’t about to be thankful for this. I understood what needed to be done, but I was confident that someone else could do the job better.

The clearing was empty, no sign whatsoever that a she-wolf had died here not too long ago. Everything about her was a mystery, but I was slowly getting to know her through the Moon Spirit and my research. I was disappointed that I didn’t find anything super helpful in the restricted section. Hopefully another opportunity would present itself.

I looked around and found the direction in which Faela had entered the clearing. I hurried toward it, ready to get this endeavor done and out of the way. I wasn’t sure what I’d find by going to her cell, maybe nothing, but I needed to see where she had spent most of her life. Anger at her imprisonment was like lava in my veins. I didn’t know why she was locked up, but I knew the reason couldn’t be anything good.

The forest was quiet as I walked through it, heading in the direction I knew the cage to be. It was the time of morning where the nocturnal animals were settling down for the day while the others started stirring.

I moved quickly but carefully. No one would be out at this hour, or so I hoped, but it was better to be cautious.

As I drew closer to the cage, I noticed that the trees began to thin, which meant I wouldn’t be able to rely on the forest for cover. It was a setback but one that I had suspected would happen. I treaded lightly as I drew closer.

During my walk, there was a gradual incline uphill. It was so slight I didn’t notice it at first. A boulder jutted up from the ground, a sign that I was heading in the right direction.

There weren’t any scents that guards were around, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. It was the technology age, and we shifters had taken to it with enthusiasm. Cameras and other sorts of security could be utilized, making it much more difficult not to be discovered.

My wolf pushed forward, letting me use her advanced senses. I stopped and closed my eyes, conjuring an aerial view of the area then listened. There was a low technological hum that I barely picked up. I stepped in the hum’s direction and paused again. I could hear it better now, and I suspected it was motion activated.

I turned my head and took several steps in random directions until I pinpointed the sound. It was high off the ground, facing a large area. I’d have to work my way around it and hopefully not set it off.

With silent footsteps, I moved to my left, walking in a semicircle and doing my best to keep the hum in the center.

Once I reached the other side, the hum became a far-off sound, and I knew that I had successfully circumvented the motion detector. I breathed out a sigh of relief then reminded myself not to get cocky. There could be more obstacles ahead, including wolves whose senses riffled electronic security.

It took me nearly an hour to go around three more motion detectors and two cameras. Sweat beaded on my brow while moisture ran down my back. The sun was up now, and the temperature had risen. I swallowed dryly, wishing I had thought to bring some water, but I had stupidly hoped that I’d be at the cage by now.

Stones rose from the ground, making it difficult to locate the entrance. It had to be here somewhere, though I honestly had no idea what it looked like. All I knew was its rough location. I bit my lip, unsure what I should do. I couldn’t go searching the rocks for a hidden entrance or I’d be discovered for sure.

I crouched near a boulder, ready to study the area until I located the way in. The rock was cool under my hand, helping to steady me as I searched. After a few minutes, I got frustrated. It all looked like natural stone formations. How was I going to find a secret entrance? There wasn’t a convenient neon sign with an arrow.

My breath got trapped in my chest when my eyes caught movement. Something shifted near the rocks ahead of me, but I couldn’t make it out. I watched the spot intently, hoping that it would move again. After several minutes, a man appeared from behind a stone. He stretched while the other thing shifted again, and I realized it was a person dressed head to toe in camouflage.

I stared at the camouflaged man, stunned and impressed. If he hadn’t moved, I would never have known he was there. I was extra glad that I’d studied the area beforehand instead of racing in.

The newcomer turned to a camouflaged guy, looking him over, but from this distance I wasn’t sure if he was impressed or indifferent.

“The alpha-apparent and beta have arrived. They’d like to question you,” the new guy said, gesturing behind the stone.

“Will you stand guard?” The camo clad man asked.

“Your replacement will be here shortly.”

Camo man nodded then went around the stone and disappeared from view. Perplexed, I watched as the other guy glanced at the area then fidgeted with some sort of electronic device before he disappeared behind the rock.

I waited with bated breath to see if anyone else would appear. When no one did, after a couple minutes, I knew that I had to hurry. Someone could come out at any moment, then my chance would be blown.

Quickly, I made sure my hair and face were hidden in case there were cameras, and then I hurried forward. I crouched behind a rock and took a steadying breath since my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

I counted to ten and moved around the stone, keeping low so the surrounding boulders would block me from view. When I reached the place where the two guards had vanished, I paused for a moment, listening. I couldn’t hear anything, so I vaulted over the last rock. A deep dark hole greeted me. Peering down, I couldn’t make out anything.

Looking around, I made sure that there was no other obvious entrance before I moved to the hole. I turned my head, trying to catch any sound of approaching footsteps. All was still and quiet.

I sat down, my legs dangling into the black void, and for a moment, I debated actually doing this. My wolf was uncharacteristically quiet, letting me ponder and make the next move. Whatever I decided, she would follow.

Resolve spread through my chest, hardening my heart against the doubt. I needed to do this. My arm tingled as if the Moon Spirit was urging me forward. I nodded and pushed away from the edge, dropping down into the hole with no idea what I would find at the bottom.

Chapter Sixteen
