Page 29 of Moon Kissed

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“Want to meet up tomorrow night when you get back?”

My heart jackknifed in my chest. She wanted to meet with me.

My wolf rumbled in satisfaction, thinking that his intervention had changed things. Hell, what if it had?

“Where?” I asked, hanging on her next words like a lifeline.

“The pond.”

“As soon as I’m done at the cage, I’ll meet you there.” No way was going to break that promise. This was an opportunity, and I’d be damned if I didn’t take it. I needed her like I needed my last breath.

“All right.” Her expression was one that I hoped to see on her face more often. “I’ve got to go get some sleep.”

“I’ll walk you out.” I waved my hand so she would go in front of me.

I followed her through the rows of bookshelves and back to the ladder she’d first entered from.

“Tomorrow?” she asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

“Tomorrow,” I agreed, ducking forward and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Can’t wait.”

She smiled, cheeks growing pink, making me want to smirk with satisfaction. I watched her climb the ladder and wave before she slipped out the door.

Tomorrow night couldn’t come fast enough.

* * *


A plan formed in my head on the long walk home. Rylan was going to the cage tomorrow, which might be my only chance to get in too. Security’s attention would be elsewhere due to the alpha-apparent and his beta’s visit, it could be slightly easier to get in.

At home, I quickly drew what I could remember of the prison’s blueprint and the path I would take. It was a long shot, but if I bided my time and treaded cautiously, I knew I’d be able to get in and out without anyone knowing.

My arm tingled warmly, and I took it as a sign from the Moon Spirit that I was on the right path.

Filled with resolve and excitement, I lay in my bed. Tomorrow was a big day. For the first time in recorded history, someone would be breaking into prison instead of escaping it. I prayed that I would be successful. If I was caught, there was no telling what my punishment would be.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep while thoughts of Rylan loomed over me, sexily filling my dreams.

Chapter Fifteen


I texted Arden first thing in the morning to tell her I was taking another rest day. She replied, happy that I was taking some time off. She didn’t ask how the restricted section had gone last night, which I was thankful for. In the light of day, last night looked way different.

I’d nearly gone all the way with my enemy.

‘Is he still our enemy?’my wolf wondered.

A part of me felt like we were past hating him, but that didn’t erase what he had done. However, last night, his wolf said that we didn’t have the full story, and I got the feeling that only the wolf knew the extent of it. His human half was in the dark, which didn’t bode well for anyone. I’d keep my word though and meet him tonight. It was time for answers.

I felt my wolf’s agreement as I was getting dressed. The cage was underground, which meant that black would be the perfect color to sneak around in. I just hoped I wasn’t caught before I could get in since my attire was suspicious. A morning stroll through the woods, wearing all black, wouldn’t fool anyone.

Tucking my hair into a high ponytail, I pulled on a beanie then lifted my black hood over my head. I couldn’t risk my hair being seen; I’d stand out like the moon in that dark place.

I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping outside. It was early morning, the sun just starting to peek over the mountains. The air was cool and refreshing.

I set out, aiming for the pond near my house, the one where Faela had taken her last breath. I planned to retrace her steps as my way of honoring her. I’d enter her prison the same way she escaped. It was sort of poetic.
