Page 34 of Moon Kissed

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‘Why am I here? What is it you wish me to see?’I asked the wolf spirit boldly.

In my heart, I’d accepted that this was who I was meant to be. My brain, on the other hand, couldn’t fathom how we were supposed to do this. The packs had been divided for centuries. No way was I, a twenty-two-year-old wolf, going to change the minds of century-old alphas. I wasn’t even that dominant to begin with.

As if reading my thoughts, the white wolf snorted, and I could tell it was from humor. Was the spirit laughing at me?

‘I’m laughing because I find your thoughts amusing. You keep telling yourself that you didn’t choose this, but that’s not the truth. You chose to help Faela when she was nearing the end. In your heart, you were willing to take on anything the poor woman asked of you to give her peace.’

Was that true? Had I inadvertently shouldered the burden that Faela hadn’t been able to continue holding?

Looking back at it, I realized that the Moon Spirit was correct. Faela was dying, and I couldn’t stomach watching another person die without giving them some peace at the end.

I did accept this.

I swallowed past the tears coating my throat as I came to terms with the choice I alone had made.

“She chose well,’the wolf spirit complimented, blue eyes filled with admiration and love.

‘I’m ready to do what’s necessary,’I said truthfully. It was time to accept that this was my path and only I could walk it. I had Arden, who was the bestest friend a girl could ask for. I knew she’d do anything in her power to help me.

Rylan popped into my head, his steely green-gray eyes full of longing and hunger. I shivered, remembering how it had felt with him pressed against me, hands exploring my skin while his mouth devoured mine with lips, tongue, and teeth. I could still taste him, the reminder enough to make me flush scarlet, but thankfully my fur hid that.

‘That is your next step,’the Moon Spirit said, a smirk clearly in her voice.

‘I’m sorry,’I responded, unsure of what she meant.

‘Right now, you are not at full strength, and neither is your mate.’

‘My mate?’

‘You were just thinking about him,’the wolf spirit replied, the smirk still evident.

‘Who? Rylan?’No way was he my mate.

‘He has always been your other half.’

No!Part of me denied that he could be that for me while another secret part wasn’t surprised. Rylan had always been part of my life, until he wasn’t. I forced myself not to think of him, to ignore how my heart and soul longed for him, how my body responded to just the thought of him.

‘This will be your hardest obstacle. I’m not saying that you should blindly forgive him, but the truth will set you both free. There is more going on than either of you realize. Trust him, and trust yourself.’

I didn’t know what to say. I was terrified of the truth, but in order to move on, I needed to hear his side. The pressure around my heart lessened while my left front leg tingled gently.

‘Thank you,’I spoke quietly, meaning every word. I knew that this opportunity would change my life, and while I’d enjoyed my life before, it had been lonely. It was time to stop blaming myself for what happened to my parents and move past it. They were gone, but I still had a future.

‘Will we be able to speak again?’I felt like the Moon Spirit was a lifeline that I would need sooner rather than later.

‘Your wolf knows how to contact me,’the Moon Spirit assured me, a twinkle in its eye.‘You have my faith and trust.’

My chest swelled with those last words. I hoped that going forward, I would make the spirit proud and not make it regret choosing me.

Suddenly, my left front leg spasmed when the tingles and burning started. My wolf jerked upright, our heart pounding as we tried to make sense of the sudden change.

Ears swiveling, my wolf made out the sound of voices close to where we were.

It took a moment, but I finally made the connection. The limb with the Moon Spirit’s mark tingled when I was near Rylan. It burned when Ledger had cornered me in the archives, the Moon Spirits built in warning system. That could only mean that both of them were close. Too close.

The plan was to get in and out. I didn’t want to risk running into them, but my wolf’s perimeter had taken longer than I’d planned for.

She picked up the sound of footsteps in the hallway above this pit. It was too late to run. I looked around trying to find a suitable place to hide.
