Page 33 of Moon Kissed

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‘No.’She scoffed, offended by my question.

We’d been wandering the halls for hours. My wolf swore we weren’t lost; she just wanted to explore and form a perimeter around the weird cell that was more like a pit made of stone.

It was cold and it smelled terrible here. Some fresh air would help with the stench and lighten up the place, but well… it was a prison.

“Can you get us back to her cave thingy?”I asked, trying to be patient while my wolf oriented herself. She was definitely better at this than I was.

‘Yes, I’m circling back around now,’my wolf said, annoyed with my impatience.

I rolled my eyes but otherwise kept quiet as she navigated us to Faela’s cell. If it wasn’t so dark, damp, and smelly, it might actually be a pretty cool place.

My wolf snorted, not understanding what was so humorous. The truth was, I was easily bored, and this kind of wolf-related stuff didn’t interest me in the slightest.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when we rounded a familiar corner. We were back in the corridor where Faela was imprisoned. I was both nervous and sad to explore where the previous Alpha Seeker spent the majority of her life.

My wolf didn’t hesitate at the opening in the floor and dropped unceremoniously into the cell. My hand pressed against the cold stone, a tingle working its way up my arm.

I looked around the pit, and at first glance, it didn’t seem like I’d find anything useful. I straightened then moved to the center of the room. A chill ran down my spine when I sensed a presence that I’d felt before.

I guess I’m in the right place.

Last time I met with the Moon Spirit, it was in a dream. I wasn’t about to take a nap in here, so I hoped it had a different way to communicate. I made my way to the center of the room, ready to get this over with so I could go home. The smell alone was enough to make me want to run.

I stood in the middle of the room, feeling the Moon Spirit’s presence. I tried reaching for her in my mind, but nothing happened, and yet I could sense it like it was standing right in front of me.

‘I think we need to be in wolf form,’my wolf said, prodding at the place in our mind where we sensed the spirit.

I hesitated, looking around at the empty room, feeling exposed.

‘It’s just us,’my wolf assured me.

Without giving it too much thought, I quickly stripped out of my clothes. The air was cool, but thankfully, my shifter genetics made it so I would not freeze. Gooseflesh broke out over my skin, but I ignored it.

My wolf fill me taking up more physical space while I retreated letting the change come over me. In a matter of moments, my flesh split open so my body could rearrange itself into wolf form. White fur sprouted from my skin, followed by a terrible itch, but I ignored it.

My hands and feet were now paws pressing against the cold stone. I shook my fur out then stretched. I’d been in my human form too long. My wolf paced the floor, enjoying the feeling of free movement while I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I really should let her out more often.

After my wolf had explored the cave to her liking, she returned to the center. We sat down, getting comfortable and clearing our mind. We opened to the space around us, inviting in the spirit we could feel there.

‘Hello again, young wolf,’a voice said inside my head. It felt vast and almost timeless.

‘Hello,’my wolf and I responded, bowing our heads in respect.

‘I’m glad to see you’ve found your way here.”The outline of the white wolf appeared in front of us.

‘I can feel the weight of this place pressing on me, but somehow I can withstand it.’

‘This is a terrible place,’the Moon Spirit growled, clearly angry that it existed.‘When I created your race, I instilled within you an aversion to the dead so that they would be shown the respect they deserve. But that aversion has been manipulated. It is now used to keep wolves inside, imprisoned with the remains of those that have passed on to the next life.’

I wanted to ask what was beyond but bit my tongue, knowing that now wasn’t the right time for questions.

‘Why aren’t we feeling the effects?’I wondered, looking around at the empty room.

It’s deep blue eyes were full of sadness. I followed the wolf’s gaze, seeing places in the walls where there were things other than stone.

‘You are chosen by me, so this place has no effect on you because you already hold respect for the dead and you have my marks.’

The Moon Spirit was right. I did have the utmost respect for the wolves who had passed on, including my parents. I’d wondered what the mark had meant, and I supposed now I knew. I was chosen by the Moon Spirit and the last Alpha Seeker. Two rather than one.
