Page 40 of Moon Kissed

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Her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth, and her eyes sparkled. I couldn’t quite believe it until she sprang forward twice then lowered her front end as her tail wagged wildly.

She wanted to play.

My wolf perked up, watching our mate bounce around.

‘We came here to talk,’I reminded him, trying to keep us on track.

‘She’s not ready to talk,’my wolf pointed out, his intrigue rising at her excitement.

I guess it couldn’t hurt.

My wolf urged me to move faster as I stripped out of my clothes. I crouched, letting the change come over me. My skin felt tighter as my wolf pushed forward fill me up before splitting me open, allowing my body to rearrange itself. Muscles, bones, and tendons stretched and pulled as I was remade into something else.

My wolf’s socked feet hit the forest floor. We shook out our fur while our body acclimated to its new form. I handed control over to my wolf but kept close to the surface.

I trotted toward Pearl’s white wolf, whose tail was still wagging. I huffed out a sound before crouching, ready for her next move.

Pearl bounded forward, teeth nipping at my nose before she retreated and yipped. I growled in response, stepping toward her then again when she jumped back more.

‘She wants us to chase her,’my wolf informed me as his tail began to wag in anticipation.

‘All right.’My heart began to beat faster.

Pearl came closer again, her dark eyes lit with a playfulness that I hadn’t seen in years. I nipped at her, which signaled the start of the chase.

She tore out of the clearing, running noiselessly through the thick undergrowth with me hot on her heels. Pearl jumped over logs and made sharp turns, but it didn’t matter. She could run for ages, and I’d follow.

I put on a burst of speed, catching up enough to nip at her feet. She was panting, adrenaline keeping her going as the thrill of the chase continued. I barked, wondering if she’d slow down now that I had caught up.

She veered to the right, slowing her pace from a run to a trot. We stopped by a small stream, each taking a moment to lap at the cool water. I tried to smile but probably looked insane since my tongue was hanging out. Pearl snorted, stepped forward and licked my snout, then backed up onto the bank.

I followed obediently, as if we were tied together. I went where she went. I returned the lick, drawing closer to her as she sat down.

My wolf raised his paw and gently pushed the white wolf until she flipped onto her back. We were over her before she could stand. Our nose buried in the fur of her neck, breathing her in.

She shivered under me as a tingle raced down my spine. I watched, fascinated as the wolf shifted back to its human form. It only took a few seconds before Pearl was lying under me, her body on full display.

My mouth watered as her brown eyes met mine, her breasts moving with her breaths a distraction that I wanted to give my full attention to.

My wolf drew back, letting me take control as my body shifted from beast to man once more. My hands were pressed into the dirt beside her head, and I gazed down at her face. Her white hair was spread out around her, each strand individually sparkling in the moonlight. She was a dream, and I had to shake myself to make sure I was awake.

“Hey,” she greeted me, voice soft like a whisper.

“Hey.” A grin tugged at my lips. “We need to talk… about earlier.”

“I know,” she replied with a deep sigh. “Does it have to be right now?”

“No, but soon.” I let her hear the seriousness in my words but also didn’t blame her for not wanting to talk right away.

Her brown eyes were doe-like as she looked up at me with an expression that I couldn’t decipher. I wanted to reach out to her mind with my own to know what she was thinking and feeling in this moment. I couldn’t though since the bond hadn’t been solidified. Right now, it was the ghost of a bond that could be there.

“I’m not sure where to start,” she began, swallowing thickly as tears began to swim in her eyes, making my chest clench. “There’s so much I want to say and ask you.” She flicked her gaze away, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position then pulled her up after me. I settled her between my legs and wrapped her in my arms, my nose pressed to her hair. More tears fell from her face, and it broke my heart to know she was crying. All I wanted to do was take away her pain, but I couldn’t do that. Not when I was part of it.

“I never meant to hurt you,” I said truthfully.

“I know. I’m sorry I ever doubted it.”
