Page 47 of Moon Kissed

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My heart swelled in my chest, touched by his thoughtfulness. I’m sure it hadn’t been easy for him to ignore what my body was begging him for. The fact that he resisted said more about his control than anything else.

“Thank you,” I said, meaning it.

Rylan smiled before he leaned down and kissed me. I was expecting a quick peck, but after the first touch, I felt my hunger increase along with his. He kissed me again slowly. His lips explored while mine did the same.

He opened for me first, and I took the opportunity to sweep my tongue into his mouth. His lips paused while the rest of his body tensed. I brought my hand up to cup his cheek and deepen the kiss. His skin was rough against my lips and palm, but I didn’t mind.

After several minutes, I drew back, gazing up at him hovering over me, his lips pink and looking well-kissed.

“The thought of claiming you in front of everyone has its appeal, but I don’t think our revelation will go over well.” He had a point, but I had to trust that the Moon Spirit knew what she was doing.

“I understand, but I have a duty to fulfill. Being my mate means that you are the alpha that will unite the packs and bring them back to the light. I can’t abandon the task given to me. Can you?”

Rylan frowned, and I could see the question in his eyes. What was I willing to do to make sure that I succeeded in my mission?


Chapter Twenty-Four


I let the subject drop, though I knew I shouldn’t. I needed to know everything that she did, but my cowardice reared its ugly head. Was I ready to bethealpha that would unite everyone? The answer was a big fat no. Just thinking about it made me feel like I was adrift in a stormy sea with no land or rescue in sight.

The alternative was to walk away from Pearl and let her choose someone else more worthy, if that was even possible. That thought made me physically ill. Pearl was mine, but how could I be her mate and the alpha to unite everyone?

The indecision hounded my steps as I made my way through the forest back to the pack house. Pearl was out of her heat, so I felt comfortable leaving her, but not for long. Even now, my instincts were screaming at me to return to her and tie her to me forever. She was my mate, and I wouldn’t stand aside and let someone else take that place in her heart. I’d have to fight for it, but my hesitation was killing me.

I needed Pearl like I needed my next breath. How could I accept the two aspects of being her mate? It was something I needed to work through, though my wolf was pissed that I hadn’t immediately accepted.

‘A wise wolf weighs his options,’I reminded him, annoyed by his anger.

‘There are no options when it comes to our mate,’he growled back, furious.

He was right, but I needed to think about this. Our future and Pearl’s depended on my answer, and while I wanted to say, ‘fuck it,’ and do everything I could for her, I had to think about it.

Becoming her mate wasn’t that simple. Being her mate, I could do; becoming the alpha to unite the packs was a different story. I’d burn them all down for my mate, but stepping into a position where I was responsible for all of them?

I was conflicted, and I wasn’t sure what to do or where to turn. I stopped and grabbed my hair in both hands. I wanted to punch something and pull my hair out. The path before me had been so clear—make Pearl my mate and protect her at all costs.Now, she was something more, which meant I had to become something more.

Was I ready for this?

‘It’s not a question of if you’re ready but if you’re willing,’a voice I didn’t recognize said in my mind.

My head jerked up. I blinked, bringing the startling white wolf into focus. Deep blue eyes watched me as I fell to my knees, the Moon Spirit sitting a few feet away from me.

The Moon Spirit’s presence weighed on me to the point that I felt like my back would crumble.

‘That is only a fraction of what I bear,’the Moon Spirit said, danger clear in its voice.

I grunted as the pressure released, making me fall forward. I caught myself with my hands before I could faceplant. My arms trembled as I struggled to hold myself up.

‘I chose your mate for a reason, just like I did you.’

The spirit’s presence enveloped me again. I could feel it’s anger and its pain. The wildness in the wolf spoke to the wildness inside of mine.

“Why me?” I asked, unsure if that was the right question.

‘Why not you?’the Moon Spirit retorted, its tail slapping the ground in annoyance.
