Page 6 of Moon Kissed

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‘Shit like this doesn’t just happen,’I shot back angrily.At least not to me.

“I heard that,’my wolf snorted, annoying me with her nonchalance about the situation.‘There’s nothing to freak out about. This obviously came from the Moon Spirit, and I trust her to know what she is doing.’

Know what she’s doing?My life wasn’t something she could play around with and mess up.

Granted she was the creator of our wolf-shifter race, but that didn’t mean she knew everything.

‘Doesn’t it?’

I scowled at my optimistic wolf and tried to come up with some reason why I’d been so unfortunate. I didn’t even know that woman. Now, weird shit happened, and I was left to figure it out on my own.

‘Don’t,’I growled at my wolf, stopping her from speaking some sort of ‘it’ll be fine, have faith’ bullshit.

I spun away from the mirror and went in search of a hoodie. I grabbed my only black one, which was technically my best friend Arden’s. She’d left it, and I, being an amazing friend, kept forgetting to give it back to her.

Arden was eccentric and spunky. She marched to the beat of her own drum, it was endearing, not to mention amusing. Being the center of attention was something I avoided at all costs, because she was the opposite and loved being in the spotlight. I hid in her shadow and was perfectly content to remain someone nobody really noticed.

I pulled the hood over my head once it was on, tucking my hair back so it couldn’t be seen. I glanced at the mirror and found a paler version of myself peeking out from the dark fabric that did nothing for my complexion.

My stomach rumbled, so I jumped at the distraction and clung to it like it was the most important thing to ever happen to me.

I raced to the kitchen, mind whirling with options while my wolf observed my frantic behavior with disdain. I ignored her right back because the last thing I needed was a snooty wolf.

‘I’m not snooty,’she grumbled, receding from my thoughts, but not enough that I was completely alone, keeping the panic at bay.

I relied on my wolf more than other shifters did. Not only did her spirit share my body, but she was my best friend. She stood by me after my family life went to shit. You’d think she didn’t have a choice, but she absolutely did, and she chose me.

When I entered the kitchen, food was the last thing on my mind, but I knew I’d think better after I’d eaten. I made a sandwich then paced the room while I ate, stewing and thinking of all the injustices of my life.

‘Could be worse,”my sweet wolf pointed out.

It made me stop because that was what we said to the other when things got tough.Could be worse.It was meant to make us reflect on how far we’d come, but this time, this situation seemed like it could be the worst thing.

My appearance was altered permanently, but more than that, I didn’t have a clue what any of it meant. Who was the old lady? What did she do? Why me?

So many questions and not enough answers.

A thought began to form in my head. I wanted—no…neededanswers, and the best place to find them would be in the archives.

The archives were located on neutral ground—AKA in the city. It was a massive building that had undergone a few remodels and was now the size of a college stadium. The history of our race was stored there. I knew I’d find answers, I could feel it.

Speaking of feeling. My left arm had begun to tingle, jolting me from my thoughts. I grabbed my wrist with my right hand, like I could somehow stop whatever this was.

As soon as it started, it stopped.

I studied the marking on my arm one more time before I gave up. I wouldn’t figure out what this meant by staring at it or the mirror.

Crawling into bed was usually blissful but not tonight. I lay down, resigning myself to a night of tossing and turning, my mind too active to calm down and allow me to sleep.

I sighed then buried my face in my pillow, forcing my mind to happier memories. When all I worried about was being late to meet Rylan at the pond the next day.

I finally dozed off in the early morning but was awoken suddenly by a message from the alpha.

“Mandatory pack meeting on the grounds.”

I sat up in bed and rubbed my face, a headache beginning behind my eyes from the lack of sleep.

‘What’re you gonna do?’my wolf asked, and it took me a moment to grasp what she meant. Then, I remembered.

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