Page 14 of Love Blitz

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Because all that was out the door, crushed, diminished to nothing, I wanted to sleep the day away. Like the week before, I would have been okay with my pint of ice cream, my bag of chips, and my bed.

When Tatiana heard Angelo’s offer to get my mind off the day, she corralled Georgia. That morning I told them, “I should stay home.”

They reminded me, “And leave that fine ass man alone for the day?” Tatiana smacked her lips. “Kind and considerate too.” She cocked her head to the side. “Did you forget how good you said his dick was?”

Georgia co-signed, telling me, “Whatever he has planned will be better than you stuffing your face with that damn ice cream,” she groaned. “Let’s go.”

And so, I went. But holding onto a helmet as we looked at the open desert felt like a bad idea. Even if Angelo was by my side with a huge grin. “You ready for this?”

My eyes stretched. “Not really.” At least I was honest with him. He felt like a person I could do that with. Speak my truth even if it didn’t appease him.

It was something I started to avoid with Shawn. Tailoring my responses to ensure I didn’t step on his toes. Even if it meant discomfort for me.

Angelo pulled the helmet over my head and said, “Let me help you with this.” Then he said, “If you hate it, we can leave.” He tugged the strap of the helmet under my chin. “Deal?”

In all the years I lived in Phoenix, off roading was never something that intrigued me. But the way Angelo and his boys grew excited, I started believing it wouldn’t be all that bad. “Deal.”

“You can either team up on the ATV, or each of you can drive your own,” the instructor shouted to our group.

I felt a smack on my ass. “You racing or riding?”

“Oh, she’s riding,” Tatiana replied quickly before inching closer to Jared and telling him, “And so am I.”

Jared looked at her and laughed. “Bet.”

That left Cam and Georgia to ride together. I smiled at Angelo and said, “Guess I’m riding.” I warned, “But please don’t let me fall.”

“I got you.” He instructed, “Make sure you hold on tight though.” He winked before throwing his leg over the ATV. His back curved over as he gripped the handlebars.

I took a deep breath before climbing behind him. “Is this too tight?” I asked, wrapping my hands around his waist and leaning into him.

He gripped my clasped hands and looked over his shoulder. “It’s perfect.”

I could have let my arms loose. The way my pussy clutched onto the seat. She could have kept me safe behind him.

I tried to focus on the tumbleweeds blowing in front of us. The mountains off in the distance. The blue skies above. Anything but Angelo in front of me. I couldn’t look at Georgia or Tatiana either. Their athletic gear didn’t resemble the peach dresses they should have been rocking that day. Their helmets smashing down their hair that should have rocked a curly ponytail. The dust whipping past their faces. Although they came correct for the little outing, they should have been beat for the gods. For mywedding day.

The ATV jolted forward, and I leaned even closer to Angelo. I wrapped my hands a little tighter around his waist. As I did, he picked up speed. To avoid the wind, I shielded my face with his back.

I shut my eyes, but an image of Shawn at the end of the aisle was too much to imagine. A tear stung the side of my eye, and I sniffled. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the ride. The exhilarating feeling of speeding across the open land. The sound of Tatiana and Georgia laughing beside me. The serious faces of the men driving them.

It wasn’t what I expected on my wedding day. The day I dreamed of since I was old enough to dress up like a princess. Back when I’d tell my mom, “One day I’ll have my own prince.” The dream was in the grips of my fingers. Shawn fit the idea of what I thought a prince could be. Until, he didn’t.

“We can stop here.” The ATV came to a stop and Angelo leaned back. “You climb off first.”

I did as he said and stretched my arms above my head. “What are we doing out here?” I looked around the open landscape. Down at my feet in case a snake tried to make his appearance. As fear crowded my mind, one look at Angelo chased it away.

The words assuring me that he was a decent guy. “You good?”

I bit my lip and waited for my head to shake back and forth. It didn’t though. A small smile crept up on my face, and I said, “Not what I imagined for today, but somehow that’s okay.”

He stepped close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He boasted, “That’s what I’m talking about.”

The others stopped beside us. Georgia climbed off their ATV and eyed me. “How’d you two beat us?” But her eyes were on Angelo’s arms, wrapped comfortably around me.

“That dude ain’t fair. He probably paid them for the fastest ATV.” Jared looked concerned. “Damn cheater.”

Angelo’s arms dropped from around me. Although the sun beat on my back, making me drip with sweat, I missed his arms around me. My arms around him. I was eager to climb back on the bike to share that closeness again.
