Page 26 of Love Blitz

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“I’ll give it to her.”

“Oh. Okay.” She walked from behind the desk and said, “Give me a minute. I’ll grab her.”

The woman returned with Gigi on her heels.

“Gigi,” I said before she looked up. “Hey.”

“Angelo?” Her steps quickened. “Hey.” She tilted her head to the side. “How’d you?”

“Find you?” I laughed. “Took a minute. Heard you ordered lunch.”

She looked at the bag in my hand. “You brought my lunch?”

The receptionist stood watching the two of us. I guess whoever was on the phone could wait. She was in no hurry to get back to them.

“Have time to eat?” I asked.

“Let’s go to my office.” She led me down a long hall. Passing a few people in seats as we went back. “Come in.” She shut the door behind us. “That one in the front is nosey,” she warned.

“Seemed like it.” I placed the bag in the chair and stood beside it. “Can we eat in here?”

She read the bag, “Fry Bread House.” Her eyes met mine. “You went to Fry Bread House?”

Being that she was fresh out of a relationship, I suspected nice things were a regular occurrence for her. I’d expect to do nothing less for the woman I was about to marry. The woman who sported my last name wouldn’t be looking surprised. “Are you surprised?”

She stretched her eyes. “Yes. Very. Fry Bread House isn’t close to here or my house, so I don’t get it often.”

I reached into the bag and said, “I hope I got something you like. I should have asked.” I pulled out all the tacos and said, “The tamales are for me, but I’m willing to share.”

“I love everything on the menu. When I first started going I would only eat the beef taco. After time I expanded.” She pointed to the tamale in front of me. “Those are pretty damn good.”

I held up a hand and said, “I’ll be the judge of that. Not sure you can get a good tamale outside of Texas.” I wagged my head. “In the US. Pretty sure I could go to Mexico.”

She wasn’t moving. Not digging into her taco. Not like me with a bite of tamale on the way to my mouth. “You good?”

Her head nodded slowly. “Yeah. I am.” She opened the container and stuck her fork inside. As soon as a moan left her lips, I was no longer interested in the tamale. Not the tacos. I wasn’t hungry for anything from Fry Bread House.

“Damn.” I sat back in the seat. “I’ll watch you eat instead.” I joked, “That moan,” I leaned in closer, “I thought that was for the bed only. Shit.” I felt my dick stretching and had to shift my legs. It was too early in the game to request she bend over her desk.

Her mouth stilled. “It’s so good.”

“Let me taste.” Except I wasn’t talking about the taco at all. And I think she realized that when my eyes didn’t leave hers.

She rubbed the back of her neck as she blinked. “I can let you taste this taco.” She looked down and broke a piece. She walked around her desk and stood at the edge. “Here.”

With her fingers in front of my mouth, I didn’t care about the credentials on the wall behind her. The computer on her desk next to the stack of papers. The patients we passed in the hallway. Or her nosey receptionist. I wanted to taste her.

I wrapped a hand around her thigh and brought her closer to me. Her fingers neared my lips, and I opened wide as she placed the taco on my tongue. We shared a stare as I chewed. Swallowing extra hard before telling her, “Yeah, pretty good. But I have had something better.” I opened her jacket and eased her shirt up. “Like this.” I kissed her belly.

I waited for her hands to push me back. For words to warn me to stay away. When it didn’t happen, I continued kissing along the side of her stomach. I stood and let her chest align with mine. I wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her into a kiss. The taco flavors from her mouth melded with mine.

My free hand roamed her waist until it found a resting place along her ass. And when I heard that moan again, I squeezed harder. “Shit,” I mumbled against her lips. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Her eyes were heavy when she looked up at me. “I don’t even care if I hear about this all afternoon.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Huh?”

“He never even visited the office. And now I’m locked up in here with you after the wedding got canceled.” She snickered. “The rumor mill is likely hard at work right now.”
