Page 31 of Love Blitz

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Forrest looked down with a goofy grin on his face. “Out here booed up.” He shook his head. “Couldn’t shake her, huh?”

I walked through the door and was thankful for the talking that was too loud to compete with. I found a seat, and Forrest sat beside me.

Before Coach Jett, the offensive coach, could start reviewing plays he introduced himself. “I’ve been with Fury for six years.” He looked around the table. “We have yet to deliver the city a championship, and I hope this can be the year.”

Everyone around the table had their own responses. Jacobi telling us, “With this lineup, we damn sure will compete.” It wasn’t his first year on the squad. He’d been with the team for two years. Each year he improved, and I hoped this year would be one of his best.

“One thing I pride myself on is teamwork. On or off the field, we each have a role to play here.” Coach Jett wrapped his arms across his chest. “Individually, you owe it to yourself to show up, every day. To perform. But if you aren’t starting you aren’t knocking that guy on the field.”

Every eye in the room felt like it was on me.

“Word to the wise. Watch what you say to reporters. To anyone really. Nowadays…” Coach Jett sounded like my dad. “Anyone could spread news with a tap on their phone.” He cleared his throat. “Now.” He flipped a remote in his hand. “Let’s talk about what we all came to hear.”

A younger guy walked around the table handing out folders. I flipped to the first page before Coach Jett could say anything. I reviewed the plays. Before the end of the week, I would have them all memorized.

At the end of the meeting, a few players stuck around the room. Jacobi asked, “So, what did you say?”

I wagged my head. “Said I was coming to work.” I hunched my shoulder. “That was it.”

He rubbed a hand across his chin. “And that turned into you taking Mario’s spot?”

Tree laughed. “Shit, man. Remind my ass not to say nothing to nobody.” His eyes were wide.

Jacobi cocked his head to the side. “I heard some shit you said in college after the win. And,” he twisted his lips, “That’s probably a good idea, Tree.”

Forrest looked at him with narrowed eyes and said, “I see you been Googling me.” He laughed. “Man, my folks back at home the only ones who call me that.”

“Tree?” I had Googled the players too. Obviously, I didn’t dig deep enough. “It fits,” I said, stretching my neck up to look at him.

“Listen, first game we deliver a win, and I’ll let you call me that shit. Otherwise, stick to Forrest.” He pointed a finger at us.

“Bet,” Jacobi said, “Look forward to hearing that shit all season.”

The day was over, and with my newest companion tucked under my arm I was ready to get to the hotel. Forrest stopped me at my car and asked, “Aye man, you want to hit up a lounge?”

I scrunched my face up so fast. “Me?” I pointed to myself. “Man, I’m tired as shit. I’m about to hit the damn pillow.”

He held his head back and said, “That’s what y’all call it in Texas?”

I eyed him. “Call what?”

“That poonani.” His lips puckered as he said it.

I laughed so hard the folder fell from under my arm. “Naw, man,” I said, “For real, I’m about to hit the bed. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow.” He nodded. “I’mma hold you to it too.”

I grabbed the folder and climbed into my truck. Gigi was likely home, and hopefully with a vase full of flowers. At the red light, I sent her a text asking how her day was.

I didn’t have a response by the time I parked my car, and not before I climbed in the hot shower. I flipped through the first ten plays in the folder before closing it and resting my head on the pillow. Then before closing my eyes, I laughed. “Poonani.” I shook my head. “Forrest is a fool.”



The lounge is buzzing with music and a crowd of people. Exactly what I needed. Being in the house alone was more than I could bear. The first day was bad enough. But by Thursday, I started to regret not having Georgia or Tatiana to come home to. Or Angelo in my bed.

Before everything flipped upside down, I’d at least have a visit from Shawn every night. Or I’d be at his place. Hardly was I ever alone. And that shit waslonely.I tried watching a few shows, reading a book, even picked up my crochet needles after years. Nothing worked to entertain me.
