Page 8 of Love Blitz

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Before hopping out to open her door, I had to ask, “Is anyone home?” In case that guarantee needed to happen tonight.

She shook her head. “No.” Her eyes looked glossy before she turned them away from me.

“I’ll walk you to the door.” It was the least I could do. My mama did kinda raise me right. And my daddy would have had my ass if he heard otherwise. Besides knowing better, I wanted to. If it were up to me we’d be doing much more than walking to the front door. I respected where she was though. Even if that place sounded like a fucked-up place to be.

“Thanks,” she said. Her voice wasn’t as hype as it was as she showed me her dad’s body shop. And her smile wasn’t as wide as it was when we sat outside of her dental office. Even when she realized she was a cougar in the making, her face looked a lot more excited.

Yeah, buddy was definitely getting waxed.I opened the passenger door and waited for her to walk ahead of me. Instead of letting her ass mesmerize me with each jiggle, I kept my eyes on the sidewalk. Until I stepped up to her front door. I heard her keys jingle in her hands, and I looked up. Her exposed long neck made me want to lean in and kiss her collar bone. I stayed put though. Cemented my feet to the ground and stuffed my hands inside my pockets.

“Thank you again.” She hesitated and I watched her smile form.

“You good?” It was something I kept asking but wanted to know the answer.

“If I said I wasn’t?”

I smirked. “I’d ask what it’d take to get you there.”

Her beautiful teeth pulled in her lip, and all I wanted to do was pull it from her mouth to mine. “I’m not.” She turned to the door. “I didn’t want to come out the house tonight.” She admitted, “And now I don’t want to go back in.”

I looked over my shoulder. “More of Phoenix you want to show me?”

Her head shook side to side. “No.”

“Alright, you can come back with me.” I blinked. “I mean, not like that.” I smiled. “Unless…”

“Unless.” She stepped a little closer to me, and I watched. Her hands went up around my neck and her eyes lowered. Not since middle school was I nervous about a girl being all in my space. A chick being that close to me back then freaked me out. Jared and Cam got a kick out of my first kiss when I told them our teeth clacked, and slobber was all over my mouth afterward. Since then, I learned how to finesse a woman. There were no teeth clacking, no misguided slobber.

But did Gigi want to kiss me?I couldn’t tell because everything slowed to a Matrix pace. Her arms warmed my neck. Her breath cooled me as she exhaled. Her scent wafted to my nose. “Gigi?” I whispered as we stood in each other’s space.

Her lips connected with mine, and my hands dropped to her waist. I backed her to the door and deepened our kiss. My heart was racing, but not because she was in my face, but because the kiss was frantic. Like if we didn’t take all we needed before we had to breathe again, we’d miss it. Whateveritwas. Her hands framed my face and our kiss deepened even further.

Her ass, the one I tried to ignore minutes earlier, fit firmly in my hands. I could have lifted her up, wrapped her legs around my waist, but it wasn’t worth it. We were still outside her front door. As much as I could have been reckless, I had enough sense to know she wouldn’t have gone along with that.

Her lips fell from the kiss, and I heard her heavy panting. Her chest rose and fell against mine, and I didn’t want to back away. If she needed space. If she wanted it. She would have to open the door and take it. I wasn’t moving.

She didn’t say a single word. She turned and shoved her key through the door. When it didn’t slam in my face, I asked, “You sure?”

“There’s only one way to ensure I don’t go back,” she said with heavy eyes. “I have to move forward.”

I heard, “I’m leaving the fucked-up place behind. Come with me.” And I did. I stepped through her front door and slammed it behind me. I picked her up. The way I wanted to do out front. I wrapped her legs around my waist as her keys fell to the table near the door. “Which way?” I asked as I traveled down the hallway.

“Straight back, to the right.” There weren’t any more words. No more direction. Or explanation. Her lips, as soft and warm as they were, landed on my neck. I could have hoisted her against a wall, or the kitchen counter I was passing. Waiting until we made it down the hall and to the bedroom wasn’t a necessity for me. I wanted her wherever I could have her. And the more her lips caressed my neck, each time her tongue licked along the side, I wanted to stop in my tracks. Do what needed to be done.

But something about her, aboutGigi,made me continue. To her bedroom. I pushed the door open and strained my eyes to find her bed. “Ugh…” I said when I saw it, and the blankets crumbled on the floor beside it.

Her head flung back, and she groaned. “Shit.” She shook her head. “We don’t need those.”

That was for sure. I didn’t need to know why her blankets laid crumbled on the floor. Why her bed had no sheets. It didn’t matter. Not right then. All I needed was tucked between her legs, beneath the black shorts she wore. I laid her on the bed and kicked out of my shoes.

Her legs snapped shut, and her arms rested beside her. I was afraid to ask if she was okay because she might have told me she wasn’t. I grabbed her leg and removed one of her heels before kissing the insole of her foot. “You good?”

Her lip tugged between her teeth, and she said, “I can’t answer that right now.”

“As long as you are okay with this.” I kissed a trail up her calf and waited for her to confirm when I got to her knee.

She nodded but barely. “I’m okay with that.”

“Good.” I continued the trail until I reached her shorts. “Let me slide these off.” I pulled them down her legs and removed her other heel. With her black panties the only thing between me and my new best friend, I said, “All black everything.” I smirked. “I like it.”
