Page 74 of Healing the Storm

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“Soeveryonethinks that?”

“Well, no, not his family—and I don’tthinkhe does. But what happens after the baby is born? When they see that I’m not a great mother? I don’t know how to be a mother, Leia. I never wanted a family—”

“And why don’t you want a family?”

“You know the home we were raised in. I have no idea how to take care of a kid. I don’t know what a good relationship or marriage looks like. I don’t want to fuck it up and end up falling into the same habits that Mom and Dad had.”

Leia sighed on the other end of the phone. “Cheyenne, we arenotour parents, and you don’t have to have witnessed a good relationship to have one yourself. I mean, look at me, I have a great marriage and family. I came from the same home as you. I didn’t have anyone leading the way for me. I just had to take the things that Mom and Dad did, and vow to myself never to fall into the same habits.”

I was quiet for a few moments. “But what about being a mother? I don’t know how to do that.”

“No one knows how to do that until they have to. But I can tell you, your maternal instincts are there. Look at the way you treat Takoda. You know how to be responsible, and you have a heart of gold beneath that tough exterior of yours.”

Nodding, I took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right—and I had you.”

“Always have and always will.”

She was the mom I never had.

And I didn’t even realize it.

“I love you, Leia.” I pulled the Tahoe off onto the side of the road, double checking that there were no other vehicles, and whipped a U-turn. A crack of thunder rumbled across the sky as rain drops pelted the windshield.

It came out of nowhere.

I need to get back. Now.



Iscrutinized the words, ‘big brother,’ that I had carved into the leather collar. I had opted for a minimalistic look, knowing that’s what Cheyenne always preferred. I wanted it to be something that she loved. After all, I’m pretty sure Takoda didn’t give a shit what his collar looked like. Chuckling to myself, I grabbed the rag and began to put the final coat on it, sealing and waterproofing the leather.

“Wade!” Blake’s voice caused me to jump sideways, nearly falling off the stool in the workshop. “Where the hell are you?”

“I’m in here,” I called back to him, shaking my head at how obnoxious my younger brother could be.

But the moment he stuck his head in the doorway, my stomach flipped.

“What’s wrong?”

He stepped into the room, his whole demeanor appearing tense. “I think we have a bit of a problem.”

“And what is that?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Bro, Cheyenne is upset and I don’t blame her in the slightest. I guess she went out to the barn to mess with her new horse, and overheard some of the guys talking about her.”

“What the fuck!” I erupted, slamming my fist down on the table. “Who was it? I’ll fire them right now.”

Blake let out a sigh. “Well, I don’t actually know who it was—and neither does she. She’s not even here right now.”

“What do you mean by that? Where is she?” I demanded, sliding off the stool, and grabbing the collar I had just finished. It wasn’t dry yet, but I didn’t even care in the moment as I slid it into my pocket.

“She went for a drive.”

“What?! Why thehelldid you let her go for a drive?” I threw my hands in the air, the desperation pulsing through my body as I started to panic.

Was she leaving?
