Page 73 of Healing the Storm

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Ugh. Wade deserves better.

I took a left at the end of the driveway, heading back toward the highway. I rolled down the windows, the smell of rain filling the cab. It was refreshing, even if it was becoming commonplace.

I won’t be gone long.

At least that’s what I told myself. Whoever had been talking about me had triggered so many intrusive thoughts, and I didnotwant to allow them to cloud my judgment. As I took a right on the highway, I pulled out my cellphone, pulling up my sister’s contact information. I hadn’t even told her that I was pregnant...

But she was the only one I knew who would understand why the ranch hands words hurt so bad.

“Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days,” Leia greeted me, her voice bright and cheery. “I was starting to wonder if the whole state of Texas had just become part of the ocean.”

I smiled, her voice bringing me comfort, the sound of her daughter giggling in the background. “Yeah, there’s actually supposed to be more rain coming, but I’m just out for a drive.”

“A drive? I thought the van was totaled?”

“Well, I bought a new car today.” I didn’t bother to hit her with the details that Hazel had finished paying for it. Leia was just as stubborn as I was when it came to buying things for ourselves. We didn’t take handouts.

“That’s awesome. Does that mean that you’ll be heading out here soon? I don’t want to rush you, but I miss you, kid.”

I hesitated—I hated knowing that I was going to burst that bubble. “Actually... I have something that I need to talk to you about.” I leaned down a little, peering through the windshield toward the darkening skies.


“Let me guess, you’ve decided to stay in Texas with the handsome fella that won over your heart and saved your life?” Leia let out a giggle, and I was surprised that she seemed so...supportive.

“That sounds so cheesy, but basically—and also, there’s more.”

“Oh? I know you mentioned to me about the job down at the vet clinic. Does it have something to do with that?”

“No,” I inwardly braced as I blurted out the truth. “I found out that I’m...pregnant.”

Leia went silent.


“I’m just trying to process what you just said.”

“That seems to be a recurring theme when I tell people,” I said with a sigh, glancing at the mile marker I was passing. I was nearly five miles from the turn off to the ranch.

I should turn around soon.

But it felt good to be driving down the open road. I hadn’t had a chance to get out much since all the storms.

“That’s not why you’re staying in Texas, is it?” Leia’s voice grabbed my attention as I continued down the road. “I don’t want you to stay because of that. We’d be more than happy to support you here.”

“I know that...” my voice trailed off, my stomach knotting up. “It’s just that he actually asked me to staybeforehe knew I was pregnant.”

“Oh, well that makes me feel better.” She laughed, though I could still hear the concern in her voice. “What else is there, though? You do not soundhappy,Cheyenne. I know you, and I can tell something is wrong.”

“Well... It’s just... I overheard some of the ranch handstalking.”

“About what?”

“The situation—and me. You know the family that we came from, and that I have literallynothingto my name. They were basically just trashing me, saying that Wade is crazy for choosing to be with me.”

“Fuck them, Chey.” Leia’s voice came out defensive. “They’re being assholes, and you can’t take their words personal. People are always going to talk and not everyone is going to like you.”

“I know that, but it’s just... How am I supposed to feel comfortable here if that’s what everyone thinks?”
