Page 24 of Healing the Heart

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I counted the seconds until the meeting wrapped up, and the moment the screen went black, I hot-footed it out of the office and to the stables. I needed fresh air and a ride while my mind rested on Rayna.

Someone will tell her where I am if she gets here in time.

“Hey, bossman,” Dusty called over while leading his horse into the stable. “The flood lights on the east pasture went out. Do we got any spare?”

“We should,” I replied while getting my horse ready. “The supply shed must have some.”

“I’ll check,” Dusty replied, then gave a lone-wolf whistle. “Well, hullo there.”

I turned to see Rayna walking in, her face a bit pink either from the walk or Dusty’s hound dog whistle. She was standing in a little white shirt that had to be at least two sizes too small, so my eyes went to her breasts and high-rise dark blue jeans stuck into some old army boots. What made me laugh was the plastic Stetson atop her head.

“Um, hi,” she replied, giving us a small wave.

“What in God’s name is that?” I asked, reaching out to pluck the travesty off her head. I spun it. “And where did you get it? A kid's toy store?”

“Amazon,” she blushed prettily. “But I never realized that it was made of plastic. I was horrified when I got it an hour ago but decided to wear it anyway.”

Snorting, I dropped the thing on a shelf, went to the tack room to pluck a spare Stetson from a rack, and then handed it to her. “Wear this until I can get you a new one.”

Her head snapped up. “What? A new one?”

“Yes, during our ride,” I replied. “I want to show you a few places on the ranch. You can ride…can’t you?”

She must have heard the pointed insinuation in my tone because, goddamn, she had ridden me so good that night.

“Yes, I can,” Rayna replied.

“Good.” I shot her a smirk while going to another stall and coxing a golden mare out. “This is Goldilocks. She’s a sweetheart. C’mere and meet her. Pet her and let her get to know the sound of your voice.”

Rayna reached out a tentative hand and stroked her neck, smiling when Goldie shook her head and nickered and jingled a little while stamping her hoof. “You’re a pretty girl, aren’t you,” Rayna replied. “My dad never had horses this pretty.”


“Yep,” she replied. “Just over the hill, brown horses with slack jaws and knobble knees.”

Snorting, I went to get her saddle and got it strapped down pretty quickly, then walked Goldie around to her. “Ready to get on board?”

“Yeah,” she said, sounding surer of herself this time.

Just as she grabbed the saddle horn, Carlos, Micah, and Jack came in, chatting about something or other, and before I could ask her if she needed a boost up, she grabbed the saddle horn, stuck her boot in a stirrup and hoisted herself into the saddle with a swift, smooth glide that made my jaw drop.

Somebody whistled, and I spun to see Carlos grinning like a fool and Jack shaking his head in amazement.

A fantasy slid into my mind, only in it, she’s not riding her horse; she’s riding with me.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“You’ll see when we get there,” I grin, grab her hand, and haul her up into the saddle with me. “Keep your cute butt in one place, or I might be forced to cut this ride short.”

“Yessir,” she replies breathily as her silky hair tickles my nose.

“You know the drill, missy, hold onto the saddle horn,” I say while grasping the reins.

As she did so, she made this cute little roll of her hips that had my cock swollen in seconds. Oh, hell in a handbasket, this will be one heck of a ride with her tight little butt bumping up against my swollen cock for two miles.

I give my horse a quick nudge, and we are off into the trails and secluded forestry; my arms are locked around her on both sides, keeping her pressed against me.

With her so close, her hair tickling my face, the scent of her skin warm and stirring, her bottom pressed so tight on my cock, my blood roars with fire. I’m so hard I can hammer nails right now. Her smell changes the more we ride, and the slight musk from her smell makes me smile.
