Page 25 of Healing the Heart

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I lean in and nibble on her ear, raking my teeth gently over her lobe. Teasing her as my raging cock bangs against my zipper. “You’re so fucking wet for me,” I whisper. “I can smell it.”

“Bossman?” Dusty tapped me on the shoulder, jerking me out of my fantasy. “You doing okay? You looked like you went to meet Jesus a while ago.”

I shook the fantasy off and shot Dusty a glare. “You’ll be meeting Jesus if you keep that up.”

Turning to my horse, a big black and gray Duke stallion, I swung into the saddle. I turned to look at Rayna again and gave her one last checking look before heading toward the back gates. There was a little meadow between the ranch proper and the east trails, and we trotted over it quickly.

When Duke began to pick up the pace, Rayna rode right on with me as the scenery showed pure forestry, mostly wildflowers, pockets of violet, and sunshine yellow dotting the land until we got under the tree line. The weather was crisp, but the sun was strong and warm.

“You okay over there?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she replied, looking at me.

Rayna’s big brown eyes told me everything I wanted to know; she still desired me and wanted to be fucked again. I’ll bet her pussy was dripping on the saddle, just like my daydream, but hell if I knew how that would go.

Through the break in the trees, we could see the summit of Brushy Knob Mountain as we took the trail’s incline. The steed followed the usual path, going along the endless ranch property until we reached a clearing outside some woods. The whole valley smelled of fresh-cut grass and evergreens.

“Your ranch is amazing,” Rayna said, breathless as she looked around. “I never seen a place like this before. It’s beautiful.”

“That’s the beauty of Hill Country. The air’s clean, the water’s pure, and the people all look out for each other,” I replied.

“I’ve never breathed air so clean,” she added.

The plateau peaked, and we began to descend toward the valley floor, the rocky cliffs on the other side—we had bulldozed the path down to the meadow—were dotted with cedar trees, prickly pear cacti, and tufted grasses. Bluebonnets covered the slopes beside the roads and the trails along the valley floor where buffalo herds once roamed.

There was a quaint stone bridge over a bubbling creek, and the horsed plodded over it until we got to the other side and to the ancient oaks I wanted to stay under for a while. The picnic basket was already hanging from a limb, far out of the reach of any roaming critters.

We came to the tree, and I hopped off while Rayna reigned Goldy in. “Need a hand?” I asked.

Rayna tilted her head up. “And they say chivalry is dead.”

I watched as she swung off and landed on the ground like a ballerina on a stage.

“Are we hitching them? What about the horses?”

“Duke won’t go anywhere,” I said. “Well, probably to the brook to munch on the grass there. Goldie is a diva. She will lie in the sun and preen like a country queen on a haystack ride.”

“She does that?” Rayna asked.

As sure as sunshine, while I got the basket down, Goldy wandered into the middle of the meadow and laid down, tossing her mane like some hot model in a shampoo commercial. Rayna laughed, came to my side, plucked her borrowed hat off, and looked around. “Can you tell me how you came across the gem of a place?”

“It was unwanted land,” I replied. “All scrub and brush, rocks and poor dirt, but I saw something in it that others didn’t. It took me four years to get it started, and from then, we’ve been building all along.”

“See that wide spot in the creek down there,” I said, pointing to the downside. “The current run pretty fast where the creek bends, but over there—” I pointed to the other side, “— the water’s much calmer and surprisingly deep. It's double jeopardy, so no visitor comes here.”

“And you know this—”

“Because I nearly drowned in both parts,” I snorted. “Twice.”

Spreading out the blanket, I felt pleased when she took my hand and sat, resting the hat to the side. “Do you usually make picnics for women you hardly know?”

“Maybe that's the reason,” I replied while laying out the tortillas, taco mix, fresh fruit deviled eggs, sandwiches, cutlery, cups, and napkins. “It’s only decent. Things aren’t one-sided around here. You’re helping Sam out, and I want to know what makes you,you. Not a lot of people are so self-sacrificing.”

She nudged my shoulder with hers. “Not so self-sacrificing. You are paying me, y’know.”

“Still,” I replied, opening a bottle of iced tea. “Tell me about yourself.”

Rayna took the cup and looked down, her cheekbones pink. “…Is that really what you want to ask me?”
