Page 26 of Healing the Heart

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Something inside me twisted, and I took care not to look at her. “What else would that be?”

She looked me square in the eye and bit her lip, letting the question hang in the air for a heartbeat. When she finally took in a breath, it was like I felt it in my lungs. “I…maybe, I…um…I probably shouldn’t have come. It's better if I don’t…” She made to get up, and my hand shot out, grabbing her wrist.

Slowly, I pulled her back and twisted her a little, and she bent her knees, and I pulled her onto my lap. I ran my fingers through her long silky hair. “Tell me what you want.”

Rayna’s eyes flickered between my eyes before she closed the space and kissed me. Her soft, warm, plump lips pressed to mine, making heat race through my chest and my cock swell. I cradled her face and kissed her gently until something clicked.

I wanted to take what was mine, and a bolt of lust roared through my blood as I turned the tables and kissed her hard and hungrily. She was on my lap, pressing me down on the cool grass until she was on top of me and gyrating her hips over my thickening cock.

I grabbed her hips and shifted so I could slide a thigh between her legs for her to ride, and Rayna rocked on it, gasping as her sensitive clit got friction from two sets of denim between us. I tugged her shirt up and pulled her bra down to release her plump breasts, and my mouth sealed over the left one, sucking hard. I found the other one with my fingers and flickered hard.

Holding her hips, I moved us, harshly rutting us together and amping her pleasure until—she screamed as an orgasm tore through her, her hips jerking out of her control, groaning, “Oh God.”

“No,” I grinned. “Just me.”

Rayna folded against me, burying her face into my shoulder as she tried to catch her breath and thoughts. That was quite possibly the strangest orgasm she’d ever had, as we both had on all our clothes—although hers were askew.

I nosed at her ear. “I can’t wait to get you back in bed.”



And he would do that too—I knew it. It was not anifbut awhen. This man was my kryptonite, and despite the challenge of me being his child’s guidance counselor and the scandal that it would make if it got out…I still wanted him.

Lifting my head, I gave him a shaky smile. “I can’t seem to stay away from you.”

“And I’d hate for you to do so,” John replied, his blue eyes roaming over my face. “We have a good thing going, Rayna, and you can’t tell me it’s not.”

“You’re right,” I admitted. “We do, but this is a fling. I don’t think you’re in the mood to be finding another mother for your girls.”

As terse as my words seemed, I’d learned long ago that conversations like these had to happen first to cut out all the other bull. If it was only friends-with-benefits, the lines had to be drawn there so nothing could overlap. Emotions had a sneaky way of wheedling themselves into things they didn’t need to be a part of, and it was easier to keep things casual if that was all it was.

“No,” he replied, his thick drawl flowing over me like warm honey. “I’m not wife-shopping, nor am I putting myself on the husband market. This will just be good fun.”

The tension in my spine eased. “I can work with that.”

His hands—large, callused, and long-fingered with blunt nails—settled on my backside. “You know, I didn’t think I’d see you again.” His tone was thick and sexy. “Don’t you think it’s funny that you ended up in the same town as I am?”

“My memaw would have said something like it's meant to be, but—” I shrugged. “—coincidences happen.”

“I don’t believe in coincidences. Never have and never will, but I’m glad you’re here,” he replied. “How long are you going to stay? There’s going to be a ripping sunset tonight.”

“How can you tell?” I asked. “I know you cowboys can smell rain on the air and hear a lost calf bleating from two miles away, but how can you tell about a sunset?

“See all them clouds?” He nodded his chin upward. “It’s science. The higher the clouds are in the sky, the more beautiful the sunset. They give the sun somethin’ to reflect off, and we get all the gorgeous colors. The sky will be set on fire tonight, and if the winds pick up, it will be a cloudless night with bright stars.”

“I don’t know if I should…well, not tonight,” I replied. “It’ll be strange for your girls to wake up and see me in their home.”

“And I won’t let you sneak out at night,” he replied. “That ain’t fair to you.”

At least he won’t be treating me like a dirty little secret. It is still a dicey situation, though.

John brushed the callused tip of his thumb over my lips, and I barely moaned. My nerves were singing with the orgasm I had, my panties still damp. Unable to keep up, I shook my head, and a wave of my now-loosened hair fell over his wrist.

My hair contrasted with his tanned skin, which fascinated me a little. “Anyone ever told you that your lips were made for kissing?” he drawled.

“No,” I whispered.
