Page 127 of State of Denial

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“I’ll keep you posted on where I am.”

“Take Gonzo with you. I don’t want anyone working alone in the field.” She’d had enough of her friends and colleagues being in grave danger to last her a lifetime.

“Yes, ma’am. I woke up in the middle of the night with a thought.”

“I’m so proud.”

“Of what?” he asked, sounding exasperated.

“Of how you’re letting the case consume you, even when you’re asleep.”

“There is so much wrong with that statement, I don’t even know where to begin.”

Sam laughed. “About your middle-of-the-night revelation…”

“Liliana’s friend Kelly said there was no way she was having an affair. But she didn’t know about the lawsuit, so maybe she also didn’t know about the affair.”

“Good point. Double back with the other friend… What was her name?”

“Cara Quinn. I didn’t ask her about an affair because Kelly was so certain it wasn’t happening. Maybe there were things she told one friend but not the other for whatever reason.”

“Stands to reason.”

“I should’ve asked Cara about the affair.”

“You can ask her now. It’s all good. I’ll catch up.”

“See you in a bit.”

Next, Sam called Avery to check on Shelby.

“She’s doing all right,” he said. “They’re planning to send her home today, but she doesn’t want to go to our place.”

“Bring her here,” Sam said without hesitation. “We have plenty of room, and she can rest and relax until she feels strong enough to go home.”

“Are you sure, Sam? You guys have so much going on.”

“I’m positive. The White House staff will pamper her, and she needs that right now.”

“Then I gratefully accept. I’m already looking at moving us somewhere much more secure.”

“There’s nowhere more secure than the White House, so bring her home to us until you figure out your next move.”

“I will. Thanks, Sam. I really appreciate this.”

“No problem,” Sam said.

Nick stood in front of her knotting his tie as she said goodbye to Avery. “That’s a good idea to have them come here.”

“She needs to feel safe right now,” Sam said. “Which is yet another perk of La Casa Blanca.”

“You’re seeing a lot of perks to this place lately,” Nick said.

“Don’t start making a list or anything.”

“Would I do that?”

“Yes, you would, and then you’d use it to remind me of why you should run for reelection.”
