Page 128 of State of Denial

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“Still not planning to run.”

“Don’t make any decisions yet.”

He raised his brows in surprise. “What’re you saying?”

“I’m saying that you don’t need to be hasty in deciding anything. You’ve only been in the job for a couple of months.”

“Which have been hellacious.”

“But you’re still standing. We’re adjusting fine. Everything is working out, for the most part.”

“Who are you, and what have you done with my cranky, difficult—albeit ridiculously sexy—wife?”

“Haha,” Sam said as she put her hair up in a clip. “What can I say? I like having a doctor at my beck and call.”

“You have that even when I’m not president. Harry would come running for us. You know that.”

“But he’d have totravelto us. Here, he’s in the building most of every day. That’s a perk. As is the room service, the space to house any guests we want to have, someone else doing the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry while you’re working just downstairs. It doesn’t totally suck.”

Nick came over to her and put his hand on her forehead.

“Stop,” she said, laughing. “I don’t have a fever.”

“And yet, I’m still alarmed by this new, agreeable version of my first lady.”

She went up on tiptoes to kiss him. “Enjoy her while she lasts. The regular version will be back soon, I’m sure.”

“You know I love every version of her, right? The sweet, the sexy, the contrary, the bossy, the—”

Sam kissed him again. “Those are more than enough versions.”

“I love them all.”

“I’m thankful for that every day.”

“Tonight, I want some time in the loft with my wife.”

“Yes, please.”

“We’ll have dinner up there. I’ll arrange it.”

“Can’t wait.”

“I’m off to my daily briefing on the world’s terrors. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck. Have a good day. I’ll text you when I leave Celia in charge.”

“Tell her to call me if she needs me.”

“I will, and I’ll let Gideon know that Shelby, Avery and Noah will be coming to stay for a bit.”

“Sounds good.” He stole another kiss. “Be careful with my wife today. She’s everything to me.”

“Take good care of my POTUS. He’s the sexiest president in the history of not-sexy presidents.”

The grin that lit up his handsome face was her favorite thing ever.

“Well, there was JFK, and you said Barack was kinda hot.”
