Page 130 of State of Denial

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“I checked in with their school nurse, and she told me the virus has been going around. It includes a fever, body aches and general malaise, which matches their symptoms. The good news is that it only lasts a couple of days. The bad news is that it’s contagious.”

“Excellent,” Sam said with a grimace.

“Let me just take a quick look at them,” he said.

Harry proceeded to charm the Littles with his quick wit and easy manner. “You’ll feel much better by tomorrow,” he told them. Looking up at Sam, he added, “You can continue to alternate the Tylenol and ibuprofen every two hours to combat the fever.”

“I gave them the Tylenol earlier, so I’ll let Celia know.” She’d also have to tell her stepmother that the twins’ virus was contagious. Perhaps she’d want to take a pass on caring for them that day. “Thanks for coming by, Harry. We appreciate you.”

“No problem.”

Sam texted her stepmother with an update on what Harry had told her and to let her know that Shelby, Avery and Noah would be staying with them for a while.

I was with the twins yesterday, so I’ve already been exposed. No worries. As a crusty old nurse, I’m usually pretty bulletproof when it comes to what’s going around. I’m glad to hear that Shelby and fam will be coming here. She needs to feel safe right now. I’ll be down shortly to relieve you so you can get to work.

Thank you,Sam replied.You’re the best.

Love you all to pieces.

Asking Celia to join them at the White House had been Freddie’s brilliant idea, and it had worked out so well for all of them. Celia had told her recently how much the change in scenery and new routine were helping her move forward after Skip’s sudden death. Celia had taken such beautiful care of Sam’s dad after his terrible injury, and Sam was thankful to still have her stepmother in her daily life.

Reginald, one of the butlers, arrived with breakfast, which the kids picked at.

When they were finished eating, Aubrey reached for her, and Sam picked her up, settling the little girl on her lap for a snuggle while they watched their show. She had a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to accomplish it all, but for this moment, she was right where she belonged.


“Idemand to know when I will be released from this hellhole,” Nicoletta said to the guard who’d brought her breakfast, if you could call the slop on the tray “breakfast.”

“You’ve been held without bail, which means there’s no chance of you leaving for now.”

“I could pay for a better lawyer.”

“I believe your assets have been frozen by the U.S. Attorney as the investigations proceed.”

“My son is the president of the United States! When he finds out how I’m being treated here, he’ll have your jobs.”

“From what I’ve read, he has no interest in what’s happening to you.”

“You’ll pay for that. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure you pay.”

“Okay,” he said over his shoulder as he walked away.

The outrage was compounding with every day she spent in this miserable place. How could her son, the most powerful man on earth, allow his own mother to rot in jail when he could get her out of there with a single phone call?

They’d allowed her to shower in a trough with a bunch of other women, and she’d traded the now-ratty red silk dressing gown for an orange jumpsuit that was too small for her. She was constantly dealing with a wedgie that only added to her outrage.

“Is your son really the president?” one of the other women asked.

“He is.”

“Then how come you’re still here?”

Nicoletta took a seat next to the first woman in the cell who’d spoken to her since she’d been there. She was a buxom redhead with big green eyes. “We’re not on the best of terms, I guess you could say.”

“Still, you’re his mother. He ought to have some respect.”

“That’s what I say, too, but what can I do from in here?”
