Page 129 of State of Denial

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“They had nothing on my POTUS.”

They went to the sitting room to see the Littles, who were snuggled up together under their favorite blanket.

Nick sat next to them on the sofa, where Skippy was cozied up to them. If Scotty was at school or out of the building, the Littles were the dog’s next favorite. “How’re my buddies feeling?”

“Okay,” Alden said.

“Hot,” Aubrey said.

Sam uncovered her and fluffed the sofa pillow under her head. “How about some breakfast?”

“Can we have oatmeal?” Alden asked.

“You can have whatever you want,” Sam said.

“I want Froot Loops,” Aubrey said, taking full advantage of the opening to ask for the sugary cereal she wasn’t usually allowed to have.

“Oatmeal and Froot Loops coming up.”

Nick kissed their foreheads and told them he’d be up to check on them in a little while.

Sam called the line to the butlers to order breakfast for the twins, adding an egg-white omelet and coffee for herself. “If we can get raisins in the oatmeal, Alden would be most appreciative,” Sam said.

“Yes, ma’am, Mrs. Cappuano. We’ll be right up.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Our pleasure.”

“Breakfast is on the way,” she told the twins. Then she put through a call to Gideon.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Hi there. I wanted to let you know that Mrs. Hill, Agent Hill and Noah will be staying with us for a bit. Can we set them up with one of the suites on the third floor?”

“Absolutely. I’ll take care of that right away.”

“Can you please let Dr. Flynn know that she’s being discharged from the hospital—”

A knock on the door sounded, and Harry poked his head in.

“Never mind on that last part. He’s here now. I’ll let him know.”

“I’ll get things ready for them.”

“She needs top-level White House pampering.”

“I’ll see to it that’s what she gets.”

“Thanks, Gideon.”

“You got it.”

Sam put down the phone and greeted Harry with a hug. “Thanks for coming by.”

“I just saw Nick, and he told me our Littles are still under the weather.”

“They are,” Sam said. “Should we be worried?”
