Page 143 of State of Denial

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“That’s nice to hear. Thanks.”

“I mean it.”

“I know you do, and I appreciate your support through all of it. You and Sam and most of the people at work were a big part of my recovery.”

“Cameron told me you were a big help to him and Gigi at the grief group last night.”

“I’m glad it was helpful. I hate what they’re going through.”

“Now you know how the rest of us felt watching you struggle after Arnold was killed.”

“Yeah, I do. It’s rough to watch people who always do the right thing getting caught up in stuff like what’s going on with them.”

“Internal Affairs will clear her, right?” Freddie asked.

“They should. Gigi killed Jaycee out of self-defense. It was a clean shot, but we both know how these things can get twisted sometimes.”

The statement gave Freddie anxiety for Gigi, who was an excellent detective and person.

“Cam is eaten up with guilt over the whole thing,” Gonzo added. “Even though he couldn’t have stopped what happened, you can’t tell him that. All he knows is that Jaycee is dead, Gigi killed her, SWAT killed Jaycee’s mother, and in Cam’s mind, it all leads back to him breaking up with Jaycee.”

“Which he was free to do.”

“Of course he was, and thank God he left her when he did, given her sinister side. But how does he live with what happened in the aftermath? That’s my worry.”

“He seems okay for the most part.”

“That’s what worries me,” Gonzo said. “When people seem okay, often they’re not.”

“Dr. Trulo is keeping an eye on them, and so are we. We’re doing what we can.”

“I hope it’s enough,” Gonzo said.

His worries stayed with Freddie long after they arrived at the NASA facility in Greenbelt, showed their badges and asked to speak with Robert Cauley.

“What’s this in reference to?” the guard asked, probably out of nosiness more than anything.

“A case we’re working on. Can you direct us to him?”

“Just a minute.”

While they waited, both men checked their phones and took care of a few emails and text messages.

Gonzo looked up at the guard. “We don’t have all day, man.”

“One more minute.”

“That’s about all we’ve got.”

Fifty-seven seconds later, the guard leaned out of his hut to direct them to the building where Cauley worked. “Security will meet you there and escort you inside.”

“Thank you.”

The gate lifted. Gonzo accelerated through and took a right, looking for the building number they’d been given.

“I couldn’t work in a place like this,” Freddie said of the mostly windowless buildings. “I’d go crazy.”

“Me, too.”
