Page 155 of State of Denial

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“I knew you’d say that,” Scotty said as Aubrey giggled at the face he made.

Sam took a call from Freddie. “Hey, what’s up?”

“How are the kids?”

“They seem a little better tonight. They’ll be home again tomorrow, though.”

“Tell them I hope they feel better soon.”

“I will.”

“So we arrested Gia Cortez for the Blanchet murders.”


Sam sat up a little straighter. “Wow. Didn’t see that coming.”

“Me either.” He filled her in on what they’d overheard from the interrogation room. “I’ve sent her prints to the lab to run against the gun and other prints found at the scene. We’re waiting for the public defender to get here before we talk to Pascal about who Colleen is and what’s up with her husband.”

“That’s an amazing update. How do you feel about it?”


“How come?”

“I want it to be that simple, you know? She had motive and access to a gun that’s apparently now missing. She hated Eloise with a passion that made her unhinged.”


“I don’t know. I’m not feeling the same buzz that comes with a slam dunk, you know?”

“I get what you mean.”

“All of this over a kids’ gymnastics team? And how’d they do it? Did they pull a gun on Marcel, make him get his own gun from wherever he kept it and stage the whole thing to look like a murder-suicide?”

“Yeah, that’s a good point. I guess you wait for the lab and decide on next steps.”

“Can we talk about a few other things from today?”


He told her about how they’d fully investigated everyone involved with the lawsuit. “Other than that one incendiary post from Cauley, nothing stands out for any of them. Lots of posts about the heartbreak of infertility and updates on their journey to parenthood. Two of them have gone on to adopt. Their recent posts are filled with joy and hope, which is nice to see.”

Sam’s gaze took in the three kids who’d made her a mom through the most unlikely of circumstances. “I can relate to that.”

“I thought you might. I have to be honest. It’s hard to believe the murders didn’t have something to do with the father, the lawsuit, his reputation about to be ruined and his life along with it. By all accounts, his marriage was on the rocks because of this, and he was under tremendous strain. Can you imagine what it must’ve been like for him waiting for that bomb to go off when the lawsuit became public?”

“It must’ve been unbearable, especially because he knew he’d done a disgusting thing and was about to pay for it in the most public way imaginable.”

“Right, and he’d want to spare his wife and kids the scandal of it.”

“Except… He was left-handed.”

“Yeah, and that’s where all my theories go to die. Not to mention his office manager of fifteen years swore up and down that the man she knew never would’ve done something like what he was accused of.”

“Interesting, but I’d expect the people closest to him to defend him against the charges.”

“Is it weird that his wife didn’t?”
