Page 162 of State of Denial

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His deep sigh said everything.

Sam got up, went around the table and gestured for him to make room for her on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, breathing her in.

“Do what you need to, Nick. No one who knows you well would ever question your need to help her. We know you. We know your heart. We get it.”

“I hate myself for wanting to help her. What kind of masochist am I for repeatedly going back for more when I know exactly who and what she is?”

“You’re not a masochist. You’re a son who loves a mother who doesn’t deserve him. You’d rather love than hate, even when no one would blame you for hating her.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“You speak Samantha fluently. I’d like to think I speak Nicholas fluently, too.”

He pulled back so he could see her face. “You do. No one has ever spoken Nicholas as fluently as you do.”

“Well, I should hope not.”

That earned her a genuine smile. “Thanks, babe.”

“I love you so much, and I hate her enough for both of us.”

He laughed as he kissed her. “My fierce little tiger.”

“That’s me. You do what you need to, but God forbid I ever get my claws into her.”

“I’ll make sure Vernon keeps a lookout so we don’t have another scandal from the first lady clawing the president’s mother.”

Sam was relieved that he was rolling with the silliness rather than dwelling on the heartbreak of it all. His pain was hers, and she wished his mother would just go the fuck away and stop hurting him. Since that probably wasn’t going to happen, she was determined to help him deal with it.

“I’m ready for the next item on our agenda.”

With his arms around her, he lifted her as he stood.

“Don’t throw your back out, Mr. President.”

“You’re a lightweight.”

Her snort of laughter made him laugh, too.

“I love every soft, sexy square inch of my gorgeous wife, especially her luscious curves.”

“Her curves are extra luscious since we moved in here.”

“Fine by me.” He set her down by the double lounger that reminded them of their resort in Bora Bora.

Sam was so sad they wouldn’t be able to get there for their anniversary this year, but she understood why the timing wasn’t good for him to go half a world away from home at this moment in time. She hated the former Joint Chiefs almost as much as she hated Nicoletta, but she was determined to help Nick take his mind off all his troubles.

She pulled his T-shirt over his head and pushed his sweats and boxer briefs to the floor. Then she gave his chest a gentle push to get him to sit on the lounger. When he was settled, she dropped to her knees.

“What is happening?”

Sam gave him a sly smile. “A little of this,” she said, nibbling his neck, “and a little of that.” She kissed along his collarbone as she nudged him to lie back.

He propped himself on his elbows as she let her gaze travel over him before she bent to kiss his chest and chiseled abdomen. “How do you stay in such amazing shape trapped in this place all the time?”
