Page 170 of State of Denial

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“See? You’ve got this.”

They shared a smile and then went to grab their coats.

When they were in the SUV with Vernon and Jimmy, Sam gave them the Southeast address for the group home where Isaiah had been living.

“I can’t stop thinking about the things his social worker told me,” Sam said. “He never had a chance.”

“No, he didn’t.”

“From everything we’ve learned about Marcel and Liliana, it seems like they would’ve tried their best to make it work with him.”

“The grandmother said they were heartbroken to have to annul the adoption.”

“What an impossible situation for them. I’m sure they loved him, but they were worried for the safety of their other children. Like, what if Scotty had reacted badly to the Littles? We wouldn’t have been able to keep them with us even though we already loved them.” Sam shuddered just thinking about such a dilemma.

Thank God and all the saints in heaven it hadn’t come to that.

Some people got lucky bringing children into their lives. Others didn’t. She ached for what Marcel and Lilianna must’ve gone through having to void the adoption of a child they must’ve loved long before it came to an end.

“People always say why don’t you adopt if you can’t have kids of your own, or if you want to bring a child into your life who needs a good home,” Sam said. “No one ever talks about what happens when it doesn’t work out.”

“I’m trying to wrap my head around what it must’ve been like for them to have to remove him from their home. Mrs. Blanchet said it was a nightmare. That was the word she used.”

“It had to have been. What does it say about me that I so don’t want him to be the one who did this?”

“I feel the same. I don’t want it to be him.”

“Contact Patrol and get a handle on what they’ve done so far. Um… If you agree that’s a wise move.”

Freddie chuckled. “You’re still allowed to give the orders.”

“This is your case, and I want you to take it over the finish line.”

“I’m going to check in with Patrol to see what they’ve done so far to find Isaiah.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“You two are hilarious,” Vernon said.

“We do what we can for the people,” Freddie said.

“That line is trademarked,” Sam said, “and you’re not authorized to use it.”

The three men laughed, which gave her pleasure.

Freddie’s phone chimed with a text. “Lieutenant Dawkins says they’ve done all the usual stuff—talked to his friends, the other residents at the house, his employer at a local pizza restaurant and his teachers. No one has heard from him in several weeks.”

“Did they track his phone?”

“Not yet. That was going to be their next step.”

“Tell him we’ll take it from here. There might be a connection to our case.”

“I told him, and he sent a thumbs-up.”

“I’ll bet he loves having a missing foster kid off his plate.” Sam had no sooner said the words than she regretted them. “Sorry. That wasn’t fair. I don’t know him at all. I have no idea what he cares about.”

“I get where it’s coming from,” Freddie said. “Ever since we found out that Stahl did next to nothing while collecting a paycheck, we’re wary of everyone.”
