Page 174 of State of Denial

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He ended the call. “Both the Cortez phone numbers had pings near the Blanchet home around the time of death given by Lindsey, and Archie has located video that puts their car there the night they were killed.”


“That’s what I said, too.”


“So that’s it, then, right? They had motive—thin as it may be—and we can put them at the scene at the time of the murders.”

“It’s enough to charge them both. Update Hope and see what she says.” The prosecutor would have to make the case in court, and it would be up to her to tell them if they needed more evidence.

While Freddie called Hope, Sam checked in with Vernon.

“We’re planning to stop into the Caps game tonight to look for a missing person,” Sam said.

“Uh… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“It’s for a case.”

“We need time to prepare for something like that, to secure the location, to figure out crowd control. Is there any way you could send someone else?”

Sam wanted to snap back and tell him no, she wasn’t going to ask a member of her team to do something she couldn’t do herself, but she liked Vernon and appreciated that he was doing his job, which was to keep her safe.

“I’ll send someone else.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Please remember this gesture of goodwill.”

“So noted,” he said.

“Are you being sassy with me by any chance?”

“Would I do that?”

“Yes, you would!”

He chuckled. “I’m a consummate professional.”

“Right. I’ll be out in a few to head home.”

“Ready when you are, Sam.”

“Thanks.” She slapped her phone closed.

“Hope says we’ve got enough to charge Pascal, too,” Freddie said. “She wants to go over everything with us tomorrow to make sure she has the full picture.”

“You should go to the Caps game,” Sam said. “Ask Gonzo or Matt to go with you. Let’s try to find Isaiah.”

“We’re still going to do that?”

“Yeah, we are.” Sam wanted to find Isaiah and make sure he was safe. Knowing what she did about his life, how could she move on without closing that loop? “I’m invested.”


Freddie spent the next several hours before the game writing the report that would be used to charge the Cortezes with six counts of murder and other charges. He’d texted Gonzo and Matt, both of whom had agreed to meet him at the Caps game to try to find Isaiah Wiley. That would be a huge long shot, but worth a try.

As he worked on the report summarizing the Blanchet case, he tried to ignore the nagging feeling that he’d missed something big.
