Page 182 of State of Denial

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“Let me know what else you need.”

“You feel like doing a press briefing?” Freddie asked hopefully.

“Haha, nope. That’s all yours.”

“I had a feeling you might say that.”

Deputy Chief Jeannie McBride came into the pit, beaming as she looked at Freddie. “There’s the man of the hour. Outstanding work, Detective.”

“Thanks, Chief.”

The word was apparently out, because everyone he worked with on the regular stopped by to congratulate him as the day shift came on duty.

He answered a good-morning text from Elin.

People are stoked about me closing the case. Lots of praise coming toward your husband.

I’m so proud! We’ll celebrate tonight. I’ll think of something special.

I can’t wait.

Missed you last night. Hate sleeping alone.

Missed you more.

No way!

WAY! See you soon.


He sent a text to his mother to tell her he’d closed the case and would be on TV in the next few minutes.

Congratulations! Dad and I will be watching!

Making Sam, Elin and his parents proud was definitely the best part about closing the case. Well, that and getting justice for the Blanchets. With that in mind, he placed the call to Graciela.

“This is Detective Cruz with the Metro PD.”

“Do you have news?”

“I do. We’ve arrested Pascal and Gia Cortez for the murders of your family members. Their daughter competed with Eloise in gymnastics. A few days before the murders, Liliana called them racist animals in front of several other parents. We believe that, coupled with jealousy over Eloise’s success in gymnastics, anger and blatant racism were the motives for murder.”

“Dear God.”

“I also wanted to tell you that Isaiah has been living in a secret room in the basement, coming and going from the house when they were home and when they weren’t. He witnessed Liliana’s murder and got video that will help to make our case.”

“Why didn’t he try to help?”

“He said he was terrified and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He doesn’t recall turning the phone on to record. I believe he was also concerned about being in the house without permission and how that might work against him. Not to mention, in light of his violent background, he was possibly less fazed by violence happening in front of him than another kid his age might’ve been and knew better than to get anywhere near it.”

“He got video of it.”

“He did, and he’ll also testify to what he witnessed. He’s in MPD custody in a safe house.”

“I… I think I’d like to see him, if possible. We all loved him so much and were heartbroken over what happened with him. Maybe… maybe I could help him or something.”
