Page 181 of State of Denial

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“You had your goal. I had mine.”

“You’ll handle the media briefing?” she asked.

“Do I hafta?”

“Yes, you hafta. It was your case. Get out there and finish it up.”

“What do I say about Isaiah?”

“That he was in the house at the time of the murders and got the killing of Liliana Blanchet on video.”

“And what do I say about why he didn’t try to help her?”

“He was so scared, he couldn’t move. That’s what your report says, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what he told us. He said he doesn’t remember turning on the video and that it was over before it began. It happened very fast.”

“That poor kid. And he’s been living in the house ever since. I can’t believe Crime Scene didn’t find his secret room.”

“It was very well hidden, and he stayed there until everyone had left.”

“Did the Cortezes find an attorney?”

“Left messages. Haven’t heard back yet.”

“I want to be there when you tell them there’s video,” Sam said.

“I’ll make sure you are.”

“I’m so proud,” Sam said again. “So very, very proud.”

“Thanks. I wish I felt better about the outcome.”

“We never feel good about the outcome. It’s almost always so senseless, but this one is more senseless than most.”


“Go call the grandmother and the other family members to update them and get ready for the briefing.”

“That’s the plan.” Freddie went to his cubicle and downed the rest of a warm soda left from the night before. He foraged in his top desk drawer and found an unopened package of his favorite powdered doughnuts and ate all six in under a minute.

Gonzo appeared next to him with a tall coffee that he put on Freddie’s desk.

“God bless you, man.”

“Did you sleep here?”

“Yep. The sofa in the lobby isn’t too bad.”

“That’s a rite of passage. Congrats on your first night on the lobby sofa.”

“Gee, thanks. Everything good at the safe house?”

“I checked in this morning, and they said Isaiah got some sleep and had a good breakfast.”

“I was thinking we should let Chuck at the group home know that he’s in our custody.”

“I’ll take care of that.”
