Page 32 of State of Denial

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“Take the time. Do the work. Come back when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, as always, for the support,” Sam said as she stood to leave.

“Thank you, as always, for making me look so good.”

Smiling, she said, “I do what I can for my people.” She left his office and went to the pit, asking Gonzales and Cruz to come into her office. “Shut the door.”

“What’s up?” Freddie asked.

“It’s been brought to my attention that I might be suffering some ill effects from losing Spence and my dad and a few other recent things. Dr. Trulo has recommended I take a break to deal with these things, and Captain Malone has concurred.”

“Oh,” Freddie said, seeming stunned.

If she were him, she’d be stunned, too. It wasn’t like her—at all—to let the job get to her this way, which was proof that something was up.

“It’s been decided that Freddie will take the lead on the Blanchet case with Gonzo’s supervision.”

“What?” Freddie asked, his eyes going wide.

“You’re ready,” Sam said. “You’ve been ready for quite some time now.”

“I agree,” Gonzo said. “You’ve got this.”

Freddie sputtered. “But I… Are you sure?”

“Positive,” Sam said. “I’ll be a phone call away if you need me, and I’ll want to be kept in the loop about what’s going on.”

“I, um, okay.”

Sam wanted to laugh at his stuttering replies but knew he wouldn’t appreciate that. “I have every confidence in you, Detective Cruz.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate the opportunity.”

“I guess I’ll just go home now.”

“If you need anything,” Gonzo said, “you know where to find us.”

“Yes, I do, and that makes all the difference.”

After they left, she powered down her computer, grabbed her coat and phones off the desk, locked her office and headed for the morgue exit, eager to get home to her family.

Before he leftthe West Wing for the day, Nick stopped at Christina’s office.

Surprised by his sudden appearance, she jumped to her feet. “Mr. President.”

“Don’t do that.”

“I, uh, I can’t help it.”

“Try.” He sat in her visitor chair as she returned to her seat. “Long day, huh?”

“Yes, it has been, but I think we’re staying ahead of it.”

“I wanted to thank you for what you did in the briefing room today.”

“Oh, well, I was hoping I hadn’t gone too far.”

“You didn’t. You did an excellent job of telling the story of my life in a way that makes it clear she’s not part of it.”
