Page 47 of State of Denial

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She hoped her friend, who loved pink almost as much as she loved her husband and son, would appreciate that attention to detail. Was it only a few hours ago that Sam had met with Trulo and Malone and agreed to take a leave of absence from work?

That felt like weeks ago after the events of this evening.

Noah stirred and let out a squeak of protest at being held so tightly. He raised his head, saw Sam and gave her a gummy grin, displaying six adorable baby teeth.

“Shh, Mommy is sleeping,” Sam whispered.

“Is he awake?” Shelby asked.

They were the first words she’d spoken since they arrived at the hospital.

“He is,” Sam said. “Do you want him with you?”

“Yes, please.”

Sam transferred the little guy to his mother’s arms.

As Shelby held him close, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sam stood and put her hand on Shelby’s shoulder. “You’re safe. Everything is all right.”

“Keep reminding me.”

“I will.”


“He’s on his way. Should be here any time now.”

“Do you know who they were?”

“Not yet, but don’t worry. Everyone is on it. Just rest. That’s what you need now.”

“I was so scared, Sam. Not for me so much as Noah. I was afraid they’d hurt him to make a point or something.”

“You kept him safe. That’s all that matters.”

Shelby took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the sound of sobs still echoing in her breathing. “Thanks for staying with me.”

“Of course I stayed with you.”

A rush of activity outside the curtain preceded Avery’s arrival.

Sam had never seen him so disheveled or wild in the eyes as he rushed into the room and all but fell on top of Shelby and Noah.

Avery and Shelby sobbed as they clung to each other.

“Dada,” Noah said.

“Yes, buddy, it’s me. I’m here. I’m here.”

Sam stepped out of the cubicle to give them a minute alone and found Freddie waiting in the hallway.

“How is she?” he asked.

“Seriously rattled, which is to be expected. She’ll be better now that Avery is here.”

“What the hell, Sam? How did this even happen?”
