Page 46 of State of Denial

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“I will speak to my supervisor about that, Mr. President.”

“Thank you.”

“Please hold for your call.”

Nick was treated to a recording about White House tours. He learned that the forty-five-minute tours were on a first-come, first-served basis and were arranged through congressional representatives and senators. He recalled fielding requests for White House tours through John O’Connor’s office when he’d been John’s chief of staff. That seemed like a hundred years ago now, when it was just over two years.

He needed to call Graham to come in, too. He would know how to handle this situation.

Nick put the phone on speaker so he’d hear Sam if she picked up the call and went to the doorway to speak to Brant. “Please send someone to pick up Senator O’Connor in Leesburg. Get him here as quickly as possible.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Nick?” That was all it took to calm him—one word from Sam. No matter what fresh hell was about to descend upon him, he would always have her. That gave him the kind of comfort he’d never had before he had her.

“How are they?”

“Shelby is badly shaken, and Noah is sleeping through it all. I’m staying with them until Avery arrives in about an hour.”

“Is the baby okay?”

“They’ve got her on a fetal monitor, and the doctor said everything seems okay.”

“That’s a relief. Do you know who the people were?”

“Not yet. We’re waiting for more info about them, but they were asking for Avery.”

“Give Shelby and Noah all my love when you can.”

“I will. How are things there?”

“I’m in the Situation Room.”

“Ugh. That says it all, right?”

“You know it. Not sure how long I’ll be, but I’ll be up as soon as I can.”

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Love you, babe. So glad our Shelby and Noah are safe.”

“Yes, thank God. Love you, too.”

Nick called the switchboard and asked them to notify Senator O’Connor that he’d sent a car for him.

“Yes, sir.”

As he put down the phone and sat back in his chair to wait for his team to arrive, his heart went out to Avery Hill. Once upon a time, Nick wouldn’t have imagined the day would come when he’d feel for the guy who’d once fancied himself in love with Sam. But once Avery had gotten past that nonsense, Nick and Avery had settled into friendship in support of Shelby, whom they both loved.

The threat to Avery Hill’s family was a threat to all of them, and Nick would do whatever he could to ensure the safety of their friends.

Thinking about supporting them was better than dealing with the shitstorm that was about to unfold in his fledgling administration.


Still holding Noah in her arms, Sam sat by Shelby’s bed while her friend slept. The doctors had given her something to calm her, as there was some concern about raised blood pressure. Or at least Sam thought that’s what they’d said. So far, the news about the baby was good, which was a huge relief. Shelby was forty-two, so her pregnancy was considered high risk even without the recent threat to their safety.

Sam fought through exhaustion so she could stand watch over the woman who’d become one of her closest friends. When the nurses had brought a gown for Shelby to put on, Sam had asked if they had a pink one, which Shelby was now wearing.
