Page 56 of State of Denial

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Trying to come down from the adrenaline-fueled panic attack.

Sorry you guys went through such a scary thing. Do you know who the people are?

Unfortunately, yes. The scum of the earth. We’re very lucky. That’s all I can say.

I’ll check in tomorrow. Try to get some rest. Keep telling yourself everything is fine until you start to believe it.

I’ll try. Thanks for everything.

Love you all.

Back atcha.

When she joined Nick in bed a few minutes later, he put aside the briefing book he’d just opened and let it fall to the floor with a loud thud that made them laugh.

“The Secret Service will think we’re under attack in here,” Sam said.

“I don’t want to think about them or anything but you.”

“I’m down with that.”

They met in the middle of the king-sized bed, arms and legs entwined, lips joined in a slow, lazy kiss that made all the stress of the day melt away like it had never happened. It’d still be there in the morning, but for right now, they could pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist.

Nick rolled them so she was under him, his body molded to hers as he devoured her with his lips and tongue.

She loved him like this, a little wild and unhinged after an insane day and ready to work it out with her. And, oh, how she was there for that after the day she’d had. No one could erase the hard drive of her always busy mind like he could. When they were together this way, she focused only on him and the all-consuming desire that never failed to take her by surprise, even after all this time.

He created a fever in her with his lips, tongue and hands.

She reached for him only to be rebuffed because he wanted to tend to her.

Her moan of frustration made him laugh. “All in good time, my love.”

“Hurry up about it.”

“You know what happens when you rush me.”

She let out an annoyed huff and felt his lips curve against her inner thigh. “Quit laughing at me,” she said.

“My love is so very entertaining.”

“I’ll show you entertaining.”

“What will this show entail?”


When the bedside phone rang, he dropped his head to her abdomen. “Motherfucker.”

Sam wanted to cry.

Nick reached across her for the phone and answered with a testy “Yes?” After a pause, he said, “Put him through.” He gathered her into his embrace, whispering, “It’s the AG. I have to take this.”

“No problem,” she said, even though she didn’t mean that. Her body hummed with arousal and throbbing desire that would go unsatisfied for now. She focused on the low tenor of his voice and not so much on what was being said as she drifted between wakefulness and sleep.

The conversation droned on, so long that she dozed off and came to when Nick kissed her awake. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.”
