Page 57 of State of Denial

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“No, it really isn’t okay, and I’m truly sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. Is everything okay?”

“I suppose it will be when the dust settles.” He kissed her cheek and then her lips. “Now, where were we?”

“Can we move to the main event? I’m tired.”

“We can continue this tomorrow if you’d rather.”

“No, I wouldn’t rather.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “You left me hanging over here.”

“Blame the AG.”

“We hate the AG.”

“We hate everyone.”

“Except the kids…”

“Except for them.”

Smiling, he kissed her as he smoothly used one hand to remove his boxer briefs.

As he slid into her, Sam released a sigh of happiness and contentment. “Mmm, best thing to happen all day.”

“This might be theonlygood thing that happened today.” His chuckle made her smile. “Well, Scotty’s essay on NATO was pretty good, too.”

“NATO is not allowed in this bed.”

“Thank God for you,” he whispered against her lips as he picked up the pace. “This makes all the bullshit worth it somehow.”

“Yes, it certainly does.”


Freddie arrived home to loud music coming from the second bedroom, where Elin had installed a small gym. He put his service weapon, cuffs and other work stuff into the bedside drawer and went to see what she was up to.

He nudged the door open, trying not to startle her. The sight that greeted him made his mouth go dry. Dressed in skintight workout clothes, she was bent in half, her perfect ass in the air.

She glanced in the mirror, caught his gaze and smiled. “Hello, dear. How was your day?”

“It just got much, much better.”

He was so relieved to see her true smile for the first time since the miscarriage. For a few days, he’d feared that neither of them would ever smile again. But they were bouncing back, just as their friends and family had told them they would.

Elin stood upright and used a towel to wipe the sweat off her face. Then she crooked her finger for him to come to her.

He took a few steps so he was right in front of her and waited to see what she’d do.

She went up on tiptoes to kiss him.

Freddie put his hands on her hips. “You’re not doing too much too soon, are you?”

“Nope. Just stretching. Feels good.” She wiped her face again. “I told the gym I’d be back to work tomorrow.”

“Are you sure you shouldn’t take a few more days?”

“I’m sure. I read that getting back to a regular routine helps.”
