Page 60 of State of Denial

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They had a huge, complicated new case he should be thinking about, but the only thoughts on his mind were centered on Gigi and how to get her through this ordeal.

It was a good thing Jaycee was dead, or he’d be tempted to kill her himself and to hell with the consequences. Her mother had also been killed by SWAT after she’d taken Jeannie McBride hostage. Two of the closest people in his life had been traumatized because of his ex. He was having a very hard time living with that.

Dani texted.I’m here.

Cameron went to open the door for her.

“Hey,” she said as he stepped aside to admit her.

“Thanks for coming.”

“No problem.” Tall, blonde and gorgeous, Dani was the sort of woman he’d always been attracted to until the first time he’d seen Gigi and realized he’d been very wrong about what he found attractive.

Because she was on duty, Dani wore a radio on her hip that crackled with traffic. “I can’t stay.” She handed the smoothie to him. “Tell her I was here, and I love her.”

“I will. She’ll appreciate the smoothie.”

“Tell her she can thank me by drinking it.”

“I’ll tell her.”

“Are you okay, Cam?”

“I won’t lie. I’m struggling with my part in this.”

“You had no part in it. If we have to tell you that for the rest of your life, we will.”

“Wouldn’t you feel responsible if you were me?”

“Maybe, but I’d listen to the people around me who were telling me the truth and absolving me of responsibility for something I didn’t do.”

“I keep picking over every minute I spent with Jaycee, looking for signs she had this level of evil in her, and there was nothing. I would’ve seen it.”

“Yes, you would have, and she clearly kept that side of herself hidden from you and others, who are also expressing shock at what she did.”

He hadn’t heard that. “What’re they saying?”

“Just that the Jaycee they know never could’ve done such a thing. That kind of stuff.”

“They didn’t know her. I didn’t know her.”

“You knew what she wanted you to know—and so did they.”

“I guess.”

“I’ve got to run. I’m stretched thin tonight with a long to-do list before my tour ends.”

“Thanks for bringing the smoothie.”

Dani surprised him when she kissed his cheek. “Be kind to yourself, Cameron. No one blames you for this, especially Gigi.”

With that, Dani departed.

Cam waved to her from the door, then closed and locked it and shut off the outside light. He took the smoothie up to Gigi, who was lying on her side, staring at the wall. “Dani came by and brought your favorite smoothie.”

“That was nice of her.”

“She said you can thank her by drinking it. And she said she loves you.”
