Page 59 of State of Denial

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“About a month ago, she started to seem really different, but I never could get her to tell me why. I wonder if that’s when she found out about it.”

“How did she seem different?”

“She was distant, distracted, not available to hang out the way we always did. That kind of thing.”

“And that was unusual for her?”

“Very. When I say we werebest friends, I mean that our friendship annoyed our husbands because we preferred each other over them sometimes. But I suppose it makes sense now that I know what was going on with them. She would’ve been mortified. How could he have done such a thing?”

“I don’t know, but the lawsuit was going to court later this month.”

“How can their deaths not be related to that?”

“We’re investigating every possible scenario.”

“You know, earlier, when we talked, all I could think afterward was that it couldn’t have been a murder-suicide because Marcel was crazy about Liliana and the kids. But now that I know their lives were going to be blown to bits because of something he did? Maybe he did do it.”

“Thank you for your insight. I’ll be back to you with any other questions I have.”

“No problem. I’m so sick over the whole thing. Whatever I can do to help.”

After they said their goodbyes, Freddie sat on the bed thinking about what she’d said as the hair dryer went on in the bathroom. If he was still single, he would’ve gone to talk to Rory McInerny now rather than waiting for the morning. But since he was married to the stunning Elin Cruz, who was feeling better after their heartbreaking loss, he’d call it a night and take his wife out to dinner.

“Babe, you have to eat something,”Cameron Green said to Gigi Dominguez. “You’re freaking me out.”

“I’m just not hungry.”

“But your body needs nutrition. How about a protein smoothie? Do you think you could handle that?”

“I could try.”

He kissed her cheek. “I’ll make one.” He’d brought her to his place after hers had been invaded by his ex-girlfriend, Jaycee, who’d threatened Gigi and sexually assaulted her before Gigi had shot and killed her.

Cam wasn’t sure which part of the nightmare was causing the greatest amount of distress for Gigi, but it didn’t matter. She’d taken to his bed several days ago and had barely left it since, except to use the bathroom and shower.

His phone chimed with a text from Gigi’s partner, Dani.

How is she?

Same. I’m getting worried. She’s not interested in eating. I’m going to try a protein shake. If that doesn’t work, I’m out of ideas.

I’ll bring you one from the place she likes. Be there shortly.

Thanks, Dani.

No prob.

Dani had been a lifesaver since the events with Jaycee. She’d come every day, bringing something she thought Gigi might like, from chocolate to fruit to bagels to her favorite salad. All of it was in the fridge, waiting for Gigi to show some interest.

Cameron was sick with guilt over what’d happened to her. He felt like he’d somehow brought the hellish events into her life by deciding to end his relationship with Jaycee. But everyone, even Gigi, kept telling him it wasn’t his fault. He’d had every right to end a relationship that was no longer making him happy and to start a new one with someone who made him happier than he’d ever been.

He knew they were right, but still he blamed himself.

Dr. Trulo had come to the house to meet with them, and Cameron had talked to him about the guilt. Trulo had done what he could to help Cameron deal with those feelings, but it was a work in progress. He kept coming back around to the fact that Jaycee wouldn’t have known who Gigi was if it hadn’t been for him. She would’ve had no reason to break into Gigi’s home, to hold her hostage, to viciously assault her or force Gigi to do something she’d never done on the job—end a life to save her own. And now Internal Affairs would be investigating the use of her service weapon, which was the last thing any police officer needed.

The whole thing was unbearable.
