Page 76 of State of Denial

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“You would.”

“I wouldn’t.”

“Yes, you would, just like I would if the worst happened to you. It’d be ugly, but we’d find a way through because we have kids depending on us, just like Ang does.”

Sam shook her head. “I honestly don’t think I could go on if you were gone.”

“You could, Sam.”

“I wouldn’t want to.”

“Neither would I, but we’d do what needed to be done for our kids.”

“Can we stop talking about this?” Sam pushed the remains of her salad aside. “It makes me sick to think of anything happening to you.”

“Likewise, love, but it could be why you’re feeling odd, no?”

“I suppose so.” She forced a smile so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’m sure I’ll shake it off in no time.”

“Take the time you need to feel better. They’ll get by fine without you for a while.”

“Freddie is in charge of his first case.”

“Oh wow, that’s exciting.”

“I can’t wait to watch him shine.”

I’m a total screwup,Freddie thought as he and Gonzo chased after the father of one of Eloise’s gymnastic rivals. The guy had taken one look at them, identified them as cops and run off.I also need to get back to the gym right away.They’d had no luck locating Rory McInerny at his new home—or he’d chosen not to answer the door—so they’d decided to speak to the Cortez family while they were in the area.

Freddie’s legs burned from the effort to keep Pascal Cortez in sight as they pursued him through the McLean Gardens neighborhood as curious onlookers watched from the sidelines. While he ran, Freddie reviewed what they knew about Pascal. His daughter Lacey was a competitive gymnast. Cortez and his wife, Gia, had commented on Eloise “coming from nowhere” to win all the big competitions that year.

Sam would’ve had him run a check on the guy before they showed up at his house. He’d failed to do that, and now he was chasing someone who could be a violent criminal, for all he knew.

But he and Gonzo were gaining on him.

With a burst of speed, Gonzo came from behind Freddie and did a dive tackle, taking Cortez down to the pavement with a sickening-sounding thud. Thankfully, they were all wearing a lot of clothes in deference to the cold. Otherwise, both men would’ve lost some skin.

“This is police brutality!” Cortez screamed as Gonzo cuffed him.

“I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that,” Gonzo said. “I could retire early.” He hauled the man to his feet and marched him several blocks to where they’d left their car.

“I want a lawyer.”

“That’s another one we never hear. Right, Cruz?”

Freddie, who was still trying to catch his breath, nodded. “You know it.”

“You can’t talk to me without a lawyer present. I know my rights.”

“Have you had them read to you a time or two?” Gonzo asked.

That shut him up.

After Gonzo had loaded him into the back seat of his car, Freddie went to the front door of Cortez’s house and rang the bell. A young girl came to the door.

“Is your mom home?” Freddie asked through the storm door.

She held up a finger and then closed the door.
