Page 98 of State of Denial

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Lindsey glanced at Freddie.

He shrugged. What was he supposed to say? Sam was the boss. If she was ready to be back, so be it.

“Have a great day, Doc,” Sam said.

“You, too.” To Freddie, she added, “We’re transporting Marcel Blanchet’s body to GW for the MRI today. I’ll know more soon.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

“Sure thing.”

Freddie followed Sam to her Secret Service SUV.

Vernon jumped out of the driver’s seat to hold the back door for them. “Where to, Sam?”

Sam looked to Freddie.

He recited the address in Bowie.

“GPS says about forty minutes,” Vernon said.

“You can use that time to update me,” Sam said to Freddie. “What’s up with Marcel having a postmortem MRI?”

“Before I do that, are you sure you didn’t come back too soon?”

“I’m sure.”

“What did you do yesterday?”

“Spent some time with my White House people, had lunch with Nick, hung out with my sisters, took the twins for ice cream, helped Scotty with his homework, watched a movie with the kids. I feel better.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I was worried about you.”

“No need to worry. Everyone needs a break every now and then. I woke up this morning feeling ready to get back in the game, so here I am. Now, tell me about the MRI and the women with the lawsuit.”

“The MRI is Lindsey following a hunch of mine. Everyone we’ve talked to has said that Marcel’s behavior in the last year has often been out of character. I looked up what can cause that, beyond a midlife crisis, and read that several types of brain tumors and other physical conditions, such as various forms of dementia, can cause personality changes.”

“That’s a great thought and well worth pursuing.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“What’s up with the lawsuit?”

As Freddie conveyed the details, Sam cringed. “That’s revolting.”

“Indeed, and from what they told us, the crap was about to seriously hit the fan in his life.”

“How can that not be related?”

“That’s my thinking, too. It’s just that the grandmother was so convincing in her insistence that he never could’ve hurt those kids. I want to know what she knew about the lawsuit before I make a final call on the murder-suicide.”

“That’s what I would do, too.”

“I’m glad to hear I’m on the right track. It’s been a bit overwhelming.”

“It can be.”

“Honestly? I have all-new respect for how you juggle so many things without breaking a sweat.”
