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When I wake, I’m alone. I’m cranky as hell about it until I roll over to find it’s almost eleven in the afternoon. Oops. I’m quick to shower and dress, hoping Manuel is still home.

I pick a white lace shirt dress and pair flat sandals with it. Downstairs, Lupe directs me to the pool in the back of the house.

There are two men at the table. My mother is feeding Elias. They are clearly Manuel’s brother and father. Both stand when they see me. His father smiles wide. “Good afternoon, my dear. My hope is one day you will call me Dad. However, I will happily answer to Joe.”

I don’t miss the way neither man attempts to extend their hand to me. Offering him a smile, I nod. “Thank you. For now, I’ll go with Joe. If it’s all right?”

“Of course. Your husband is in the pool.” I blush when I realize he notices me looking for Manuel. “He loves the water. If ever you wake in the middle of the night and can’t find him, look for him in the pool. This is my other son, Felix. We decided to take a bit of a break and all have a sit down to reassess with my wife’s death.”

Felix nods. “I hope you’ll understand I’m not going to offer you my hand as I like my face the way it is. It’s a pretty face. And your husband will enjoy breaking it if I dare to so much as get within touching distance.”

Blushing, I nod before sitting down at the lone empty spot.

“Breakfast and lunch are not on a schedule, so please ask the kitchen for whatever dish you would like. When I’m home, I prefer dinner at eight, please dress formally. Your clothes will arrive from the house later today for your stay over the next few weeks.”


“They discovered mold beneath the hot water heater. Manuel is going overboard and having the whole area torn out and redone. So, weeks,” Joe chuckles.

“I’m sorry. I hope we aren’t an inconvenience.”

The smile leaves his face as he studies me. “Family isn’t an inconvenience. Family can be heaven and hell, sometimes at the same time. But it is never inconvenient. I will treasure the time I get to spend with my grandchildren.”

I’m barely able to take in his words when my eyes find Manuel. He’s walking up the steps out of the pool. It doesn’t matter I spent yesterday studying every inch of his body with my tongue, I’m still in awe at the sight of him in nothing but black swim trunks hanging low on his hips.

He spots me, and his smile goes straight to my chest. I blink, and he’s bending down over me. His lips flutter too lightly over my cheek. “I wanted to wake you with my tongue, only I didn’t dare. Your pussy was sore when I let you fall asleep early this morning,” he whispers in my ear.

Blushing, I bury my face in his neck.

Laughter from the other side of the table pulls me from him. Manuel doesn’t like it. In a blur of motion, I’m picked up out of my chair, then put on his lap. His wet lap. “Manuel.” I sigh at the way the wet silk of my dress clings to me. “Are you dripping chlorine on me or salt water so I can know if this dress is ruined or not? This is one of my favorite dresses.”

An eyebrow goes up, “Salt water, sunshine.”

Whatever, I’ll buy a new dress, I think as I nuzzle into him.

“All right, you two lovebirds. I need to get this settled immediately for the invitations to go out. I’ve received your list already, but for Nicolette’s, who in the Outfit can we invite? I’m sure there are some unable to fly from Chicago. I’ve also heard there would be several who wouldn’t come anyway because of things Richie did,” my mother asks Manuel.

I sigh as I straighten. Manuel’s arm tightens around my waist. Oh, his cock is hardening beneath me. It doesn’t matter I’m sore. I swear it’s unconscious, the way I move on him. “Behave, witch,” is hissed into my ear. I giggle. Manuel is so hard for me, he’s unable to control his cock in front of his family—it’s hilarious to me.

My mother catches my eye and I’m five years old again about to get a spanking in the bathroom. I straighten and sober.

Manuel looks from me to my mother before frowning. “Invite who you want. His mess has been cleaned up. I had Carlo inform those in the Outfit—and allow me to make them whole. While I can’t wipe away everything he did, you and Nicolette should not answer for his mistakes. Be aware the reason I picked the date is it’s the same date Carlo Toro’s daughter is getting married in Las Vegas. This means most of those in the Outfit will not risk offending Carlo and decline our wedding invitation.”

Joe nods. “My apologies to you both. We have maintained a name clear of anything but the quietest of whispers many refuse to believe. Known members of the Outfit at the wedding might have people wondering if the whispers are true. In impolite society, no one questions who we are and our power. At the same time, they will honor our wish to remain unseen.”

I’m hoping Eddie’s family doesn’t come. They were second generation in the Outfit. Not an old family but a rich one. My eyes meet my mother’s. She is aware I don’t want them at my wedding. Eddie’s mother bordered on rude to me the four times I met her before Eddie died, and she was definitely rude the two times I’ve encountered her after.

There’s more discussion about the wedding guests Joe expects and those he admits he doesn’t want to come. The afternoon is a lazy one spent by the pool until the kids go down for a nap.

We head inside where Manuel follows his brother and father into an office. I don’t see them again until dinner. Dinner is fascinating, watching Manuel and his father and brother interact. While there’s clearly love from his father, I notice Manuel hides himself from even him.

Long after he’s taken me to heaven twice and a very fun turn in hell, I bury my face in his chest. It’s niggling at me. Typical Manuel, he can tell. “Talk to me, sunshine.”

I shrug as I become fascinated with the way a muscle flexes beneath my fingertips. “You love your dad? Or you like him?”

An eyebrow goes up. His confusion is clear. “Sure, as much as I do anyone.”

Giving in, I settle my chin on his chest. “I noticed it doesn’t seem like you let your guard down with anyone.”
