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I laugh again. This time, Manuel does too.

I’m grateful we don’t travel by car for long. We’re put in a helicopter and back in our home in less than twenty minutes.

Manuel refuses to put me down, carrying me upstairs. He settles me on our bed. A man is waiting with a stethoscope around his neck. Other than that, with the plain white, dress shirt and black slacks he doesn’t look like a doctor. His eyes are sad as he looks into mine with a pen light. He listens to my chest and takes my temperature. Nodding, he seems satisfied but then he’s at a bag I hadn’t spotted before.

He's back with a blood pressure cuff. The sight of it reminds me of what brought me to Chicago. “Do you perform abortions?”

An eyebrow goes up as he squeezes the ball. He doesn’t have a chance to answer. “Not now, Nicky,” Manuel murmurs.

The doctor looks from me to Manuel. “I do. And you’re going to be fine. I was going to prescribe a glass of brandy, but a cup of sweet tea—no caffeine would be better.”

“Thank you.” Manuel nods to the door. He goes silently.

I hold out my hand to him. He takes it with a grip close to punishing. Bringing it to his mouth, he presses his lips to the back. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have been here. I—”

“I’m sorry. I was stupid enough to put my needs first. And I put all of us in danger. If something happened to you…” I shake my head, the thought overwhelms me.

Finally, he sits down on the edge of the bed. Now that he’s close enough to touch, I can’t keep my hands off his chest.

Pressing my palm flat to feel the pounding of his heart. He looks deep into my eyes. “If something happened to me, you would mourn. I don’t doubt it would be for years. But if I lost you, I’d lose my sunshine. There is no me without you. I wasn’t living before you, I was surviving—I just didn’t know it. Now that I know the difference, I’m not going back. My hope is you’re just bad enough to go to hell because I’m not getting into heaven. It isn’t a maybe, it’s a plan. If something happens to you, the minute you’re buried with all the honor you deserve, I’m eating a bullet to follow you.Thatis why I said no to the baby.”

I press my hand to his mouth desperate to stop him talking like that. I’m not even aware I’m crying until he wipes my tears away. “I’ll do it. I won’t lose you for a dream.”

“And you won’t. You won’t lose me. But I said it, and I meant it. It’s not enough to have you if you’re not happy. If you aren’t shining. So, what we are going to do is take the test. If it’s bad, then we end the pregnancy and if the news is good, you’ll continue. With a change in location to ensure you’re in the best hospital with the best doctors.”

All I can do is nod as I pull him down to me and hold him as tight as I can.

* * *


When Nicolette slips into sleep, everything within me eases at last. She’s safe in my arms and she’s never going to leave me. I believe it completely now.

All I want is to sleep. I’ve been awake for almost two days. But I can’t. Richie is waiting for me. I won’t be able to rest until it’s all over. His death frees Nicolette from his shadow and stupidity.

She clings to me even in sleep. Gently, I untangle myself from her.

Downstairs, my father’s eyebrows lift when he sees me. “You should be resting.”

I shake my head. “Did you get everything out of him?”

He sighs. “Everything he knows isn’t nearly enough. But Diego insists he can make it enough. I’m upping security in Medellin for Helena and her daughter, or I can move them to the island if you prefer.”

“You’re fucking serious about the woman? The woman who blackmailed and scared the fuck out ofmywoman?” What I want is the woman dead, not protected by my father. Only the respect I have for my father is keeping his face from being bruised.

Running his hand over his face, the bastard has a trace of a smile. “I am. If your woman isn’t going to hold it against her, you shouldn’t either. Helena is going to help bring the kiddie thing down. Her soon-to-be-dead husband roped in Richie. Taking her to Medellin isn’t only about protecting her. I want it to throw the fucker out of his complacency and make a mistake.”

“You don’t have to marry her. We can set her up anywhere in the world. Once he’s dead, she’ll be safe.”

“I’m aware,mijo. I’m not marrying her to protect her. I’m marrying her because I want to. Don’t worry. She doesn’t want to marry me either.” He shrugs at my frown. “She’ll get used to it.”

I shake my head. I’m wondering if my wife is a witch because I think her premonition is going to come true. If it’s what he wants, so be it.

What I want is to end Richie. “Where’s Richie? I want to get this over with and go back to bed with my wife.”

He nods to the office. One of Valdez’s men is outside of the door. He moves for me to open the door. Inside, I find Richie Angelo dead on the floor.

