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The fucker offed himself. A snub nosed .22 is in his hand. It must have been hidden in the office. The suppressor on it tells me how no one heard it happen. “Why the fuck weren’t you watching him?!”

A hand is on my arm. My father shakes his head. “Mijo, it doesn’t matter anymore. Go up to bed with your wife and sleep. I’ll clean up this mess.”

“Sabatini, the Outfit,” I remind him.

An eyebrow goes up. “I remember, both Dominic and Tony are here reviewing the tapes of Richie’s debrief now. Dominic wanted to give us time to do what you wanted to do.” He looks down at Richie’s body. “Nicolette is upstairs safe, and she needs you.”



My hand is in Manuel’s. The doctor gives a reassuring smile. I hope I’m not reading into it what I want. “Good news. The results are negative. However, please don’t be complacent in believing because this test is negative, you will not develop preeclampsia. There are a lot of unknowns about the cause of the condition.”

I nod and look to Manuel. He squeezes my hand. “Everything else is normal and my wife’s health is good?”

She nods. “Very healthy. Her numbers are good. If you are going to continue with the pregnancy. I’d like to get her started on some vitamins. We could also get a scan to confirm the hormone indicating she’s at ten weeks.”

I’m grateful she understood Manuel’s fear and my decline of doing anything that would make it more real in case we did have to end the pregnancy. “If my wife wants.”

“Yes, please.”

“All right. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll get the machine.”

I sigh in relief when the door closes behind her.

“Why am I not surprised you’re getting your way?” he teases.

“Maybe because of how much you love me?” I tease him back.

He chuckles. “I do believe that’s the reason why.”

“I would have done it.” I want him to believe me.

“I know,mi amor. But you don’t have to. That’s what we focus on.”

The doctor is back, wheeling in a machine. I can’t help wondering how old it is.

Manuel helps me onto the exam table, and I keep his hand when he tries to let go. Understanding, he gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

I’m a little disappointed by the grainy picture. The doctor however is happy. My hormone levels are correct, and we’re given a due date of February fourteenth.

“Valentine’s day?” I’m surprised.

She shrugs. “It’s not a guarantee. Especially with your first one. One indicator to help figure out if you’ll be early or late can be your mother’s pregnancies. Were you early or on time?”

The question causes me to lose my smile. “My mother’s pregnancies?”

Manuel connects it immediately. A hand runs over my hair to soothe me. “My mother-in-law had several miscarriages, bad ones.” Her eyes go wide. “How much of her history could be my wife’s future?”

My chest clenches tight at the way her eyes drop from mine. “I…” She exhales slowly. And I can’t breathe.

“There are no guarantees one way or another. It helps us prepare, but just because she went through it, doesn’t mean you will.” A shake of her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to assure you nothing will go wrong. No doctor could or would. We’ll monitor, and I’m available to you.”

Before I burst into tears, I nod. The doctor flees the room. Manuel sweeps me into his arms. “It’s going to be okay. I promise you that.”

His promise is one I know he wants to keep, but all I can think of is my mother, pale and tortured after coming home from the hospital after one of her miscarriages.

* * *
