Page 86 of That First Date

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“Even if I'm reading… it’s literature.”

“Literature, cliterature. Same thing.” Thomas winks. “Don’t try to fool me, bro. Peyton tells me all about the books she's reading. I promise you… there’snoliterature in those pages.”

“You’ve been caught, bro.” I shrug a shoulder.

“So, Marc.” Logan tries to change the subject. “How’s it going with Avery?”

“Don’t try to change the subject. Are you going home after this to read a nice little romance book, Logan?” Thomas teases him.

“Nah, I’m trying to get lucky tonight.”

Whiskey almost pours out of my face from the sip I just took. “Lucky?”

“Yeah, I’m trying to suffocate tonight. Find someone who would like to use my face as their seat because their legs are tired. Catch my drift?”

Both of us are left gaping at the words spilling out of his mouth.

“Anyway.” Logan attempts to change the subject a second time. “Avery. How’s it going with her?”

I take a sip of my third glass of whiskey for the night before I confess, “I fucked up.”

“Oh shit.” Logan's face falls with concern.

Thomas takes a sip of whiskey. “Spill.”

Shit. Where do I start?

“As you know, Avery was sick last week.”

“Yes, Em told me.”

“Yeah, she told me too,” Logan adds.

Thomas shoots him a death glare. “Yeah, I fucking bet she did.”

“Anyway… I forced her to stay at my place. I had this deep need inside of me to take care of her. It was bad. Like really bad. She didn’t stop puking until around three in the morning. We concluded that it was food poisoning—”

“I don’t see where you fucked up,” Logan cuts me off.

“Can I finish?” Logan waves a hand as if to signal the floor is mine. “She stayed the night, but only after begging to have Fred take her home. She slept the day away on my couch, but when she woke up, something… shifted between us. I don’t even know what it was, but I felt a strong need to kiss her.”

My face must distort in anguish because Logan says, “That bad, huh?”

“Opposite actually. It was… everything. It was hot, explosive, and the kind of kiss that makes you question everything.”

“I can see why you think you fucked up. Especially because it was one of those dumb rules she set,” Thomas starts. “But that doesn’t sound like a big issue to me. I mean, not for nothing, you two are already faking it till you make it. What’s so wrong about the two of you havingvery realfeelings for each other and just pursuing it?”

“We never got a chance to talk about the kiss, honestly. Yet, it’s a kiss that I can’t get out of my fucking head. It keeps me up all night.”

Logan claps his hands together and plasters a grin on his face. “Welp. At least you’re right on track for having a wife now. Just make the fake one fall for you. Bing. Bang. Boom.”

“What is wrong with you?” Thomas shakes his head at him. “We should have Em check your head. Because you’re not right up there.”

Logan throws prayer hands in the air. “Pleaseeeee, let her check my head.”

“I’m going to kill you. You know that, right?” Thomas leans over the table to threaten him.

“It’s a joke! It’s a joke!” Logan backs up in his chair. “Geez, tough crowd.”
