Page 85 of That First Date

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I know it’s wrong to take it out on her, but I can’t discuss the phone call I just had here in the reception area while my body is still shaking. My hands are balled at a fist on each side of me and I watch as Avery’s eyes take in the feelings plastered all over my face, before she trails down to my hands and visibly sees it in my stance. Concern washes over her features.

“I’m leaving for the day.” I turn on my heel back to my office.

“Marc,” she calls out to me. I don’t so much as turn around. I keep walking until I reach my office, not bothering to close the door behind me. I know she’s not far behind me when I hear my office door slam with a thud that shakes the frames on the wall. “Who the fuck pissed you off this morning?”


Fuck. I don’t want to do this.

I’m silently begging the universe to have her drop this until I calm down.

“I just got here,” she yells back at me, throwing her hands in the air. “Don’t take your bullshit morning out on me.”

I don’t spare her so much as a glance. “I’m done with this conversation, Avery.”

“Yeah, I bet you are,” she scoffs. “I’ve never in my life met anyone more hot and cold than you.”

“Get to work.”

Her face falls again with something I can’t quite explain. Disappointment? Worry? I’m not entirely sure but she does as I ask when she stomps into her office.

I refused to look at her the entire time she was in here. Deep down, I know that she didnothingwrong. She can’t help the douche bag is obsessed is still trying to get in touch with her. I know for a fact that this is going to be one of those moments I’ll look back on when I calm down, and wish I handled it differently.

I feel a strange crack in my chest thinking about it. My heart beats wildly behind my rib cage because I actually… trust her.

Which says a whole fucking lot considering my past.

* * *

“Have you guys heard what Oliver got himself into on his recent trip?” Thomas asks Logan and me.

Logan rubs his hands together in amusement. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

I’ve never needed a Wednesday at Moores the way I need it tonight. The lingering rage has been eating me up all day. I fully plan to talk to Avery about it first thing in the morning but decided on getting the guy’s advice first.

“Oliver was on his way home from bumblefuck Montana, and he hit it off with the girl he sat next to on the flight.” Thomas laughs. “Now he can’t stop fucking talking about her.”

“Oh shit.” Logan gasps. “Oliver is the last person I expect to want to settle down.”

Thomas full-on laughs. “There’s no settling down when they don’t even know each other’s full names. He’s got no clue where she’s from, her last name, nothing.”

“Sounds like someone we know.” I offer a small smile and a wink to Thomas.

“No, he’s straight up obsessed.”

“And you weren’t?” I challenge him. “I seem to recall you looking around the cityfor a yeartrying to see Peyton again. Don’t think we didn’t notice you watching people as you walked down the streets, in hopes you’d geta glimpse of her hair in the wind or some shit.”

“So romantic.” Logan bats his lashes in sarcasm. “Hey, maybe fate will work in his favor too and they will be reunited.”

“Doubtful. He has no clue if she lives in Montana and was just taking a trip here, or if she was coming home to the city. As you know, both states are pretty damn large. She could be from anywhere.”

Logan smirks. “You never know. They could find each other and live their life like one of those romantic fairy tales in books.”

Thomas shoots Logan a side eye. “Logan, I’m starting to think you’re secretly reading romance books with the amount you know about them.”

“No way.” He puts a hand up in defense. “I just hear about them a lot. Besides, if you ever notice me catching feelings for someone, I need you both to punch me in the face.”

“Hmm… sure.” I laugh.
